Twenty Third Chapter

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Hayden held Bridgette close as she continued to cry. Hayden didn't want to make an attempt to leave, not knowing where Daniel was and not wanting to risk trying to get Bridgette out in case the man tried to prevent it. He wasn't sure if the elder man cared that much about Bridgette leaving, but his denial that Bridgette was even home left Hayden unwilling to take the risk.

He was just hoping that Daniel was passed out drunk and since Hayden couldn't hear him moving, it was a possibility.

Hayden was just praying Carter was smart enough to bring his phone and take it off silent. Although the message hadn't been read, Hayden knew he could have just seen it on his phone's lock screen and didn't want to wait any time by opening the message.

"Hayden, when are they coming?" Bridgette whispered brokenly.

"Soon, I promise." Hayden ran his hand through her hair as she clung to him desperately.

Five minutes passed and Hayden smiled at the distant sound of sirens becoming louder. From his lack of appearance, Hayden was confidant that Daniel was ether too drunk to remember or completely passed out. But now it didn't matter to him. The police would be there soon.

"They're here," Hayden muttered against Bridgette's hair with a bright smile. "You're safe."

Bridgette pulled away and smiled. She leant forward and placed a kiss on Hayden's lips, which he returned.

The couple just stayed still and waited as the sirens grew louder and louder. A Couple of seconds later, there was a pounding knock on the door, which caused joy to curse through Hayden's veins.

Police Station

Hayden was sitting on a bench, just waiting. When the police came, Daniel was arrested on suspicion of child abuse and Hayden and Bridgette were taken to the hospital to check they hadn't been harmed before being taken to the police station to give statements, with both Rachel and Lilly being called from work and school to give their own statements and for Lilly to be present while her daughters speak to the police as they were under eighteen. With Josh being at work today, he was called by his coworkers and informed of the situation and was shocked to find Hayden was involved. But with his son underage, Josh took a break from his paperwork to sit beside Hayden during his statement as he didn't see the point in bothering Oliva when he could take a break. Despite being the Chief, Josh had no right to ask questions to Hayden as during the interview, he would be referred to as Hayden's garden and nothing else.

"I'm proud of you," Josh said. He turned to look at Hayden.

"What for? Any of us would have done it. I just happened to be the one that Daniel allowed in." Hayden shrugged.

"That might be true, but it doesn't make me any less proud of you," Josh said with a fond look. "Now, I just want to remind you that you have to be honest Hayden-"

"I know Dad and I will be, I promise," Hayden said. "Dad?"


"Do you remember in February when I got attacked at work and we chose not to press charges?" Hayden asked.

"Yes, I do. If you've changed your mind on that, we'll talk about it later-"

"No, it's the same person, Dad!" Hayden interrupted. "So does that mean, if Bridgette chooses to press charges, that what he did to me could also be used against him?" Hayden asked.

"Yes you can, but I've told you this before. It means going to court and arguing what he's done to you in front of a jury while his lawyer tries to deny it. It also means that you're going to have to open another case against him and we'll need the evidence and statements from your colleagues alongside any CCTV footage that caught him. It'll be a long process, Son and he's probably going to get guilty, anyway; so I don't think it's necessary," Josh explained.

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