Fifteenth Chapter

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Saturday 10th January 2019

Unfortunately, Hayden remained ill during Christmas. This led to his staying in bed all day, which forced Oliva and the girls to come over to their house to spend Christmas together, something Oliva's daughters despised. Thankfully, Oliva understood Hayden's illness prevented him from getting her anything and didn't hold her lack of a gift against him. By New Year, Hayden was feeling well enough to spend the night with Bridgette; it was then; they gave each other their Christmas presents and ended the night with sex before he returned home and stay up late into the early morning to celebrate.

Hayden had lost count of the amount of times he's walked in on Natalie or Faith watching a movie on his Netflix account. All it took was Josh walking into their room at his house, a guest room that they'd made their own, and found Sophia and Skylar watching the Gruesome horror that Hayden had been watching with Carter and Bridgette the previous day; for them to be banned from watching movies alone, and the passwords of both Hayden and Kaylee's accounts changed. That same day, Hayden remembered the tantrum Kaylee has caused when she found out about the other girls lack of a punishment, with the older two only being made to do the dishes and other simple chores that Hayden and Kaylee did daily and the twins getting away with a scolding; a situation where both Hayden and Kaylee knew they would have received a harsh spanking for their actions.

Currently, Hayden was lying in a hotel room drenched in sweat with Bridgette's head resting on his bare chest and one of her hand on his shoulder with the other clasped around his neck.

"It feels like forever since we've done that," Bridgette whispered as she tilted her head up and pressed a sweet kiss to Hayden's lips.

"The last time was New Year Babe. It was only nine days ago," Hayden recalled as Bridgette cuddled deeper into his chest.

"Still too long," Bridgette mumbled as Hayden kissed her wild ebony hair and took his hand from her waist and placed it over the one on his shoulder.

"What, do you want to make this a weekly thing? Because I don't think I'll have the money for a hotel room once a week," Hayden mumbled against her hair.

"Yeah, you could. What time did your dad say you had to be back?" Bridgette said lightly.

"He didn't give me an actual time but said around lunch," Hayden answered. "I'm just thankful that he believed I was spending the night with Carter," Hayden said with a chuckle.

"Well, we have to be out of here at even, so we have," Bridgette began as she looked over at the clock. "Half an hour... So, ten more minutes cuddling, then we'll get up. Deal?"

"Deal." Bridgette smiled as she nuzzled deeper into Hayden's chest, who rested his chin on top of her head.

"I wish we could do this every morning," Bridgette said after a couple of minutes of silence.

"What, have sex or cuddle?" Hayden asked with a smile.

"Well, both-" Bridgette began through a laugh. "But just lay in your arms and forget about everything that's going on; just be away from the screaming and arguing."

Hayden hummed.

"I didn't realise how much I missed just being alone with you," Hayden admitted. "I just want to spend alone time without having to force Carter out of his own home to do it. My Dad knows I'm dating you, but I think he wouldn't be so happy if he knew we were having sex," Hayden said quietly.

"I know my parents would be so mad if they found out I was even dating; you know the dumb no boys before uni rule?" Bridgette sighed.

"Do they really believe you've never had a boyfriend?" Hayden asked skeptically..

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