This is my life

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Once Charlie had dropped her off at the house Lola was sitting on the sofa, Polly walked in and put a tea tray down, "How are you feeling?" 

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Once Charlie had dropped her off at the house Lola was sitting on the sofa, Polly walked in and put a tea tray down, "How are you feeling?" 

"Like I said I'm fine. Charlie got there." Lola said 

Polly sat down on the sofa and pointed at her, "You listen to me and you listen to me fucking hard." 

"It's not hard to listen when I've got ears and you're as loud as you are mum," Lola said 

Polly ignored that comment as she said, "I've raised you, and I wanted to keep you away from this but I failed. I failed hard. But this, this is a trap, once this is your life you can't get out trust me. I just want you to think about this. Look what happened. You could have been hurt, your baby could have been hurt." 

"This is my life mum. It has always been my life and it always will be. Can you honestly picture me anywhere else?" Lola asked 

Just then they heard a door fly open then a shout, "What the fuck happened!" 

Lola sighed, "Oh here we go. You told him?" 

Polly shook her head, "No Jeremiah told him...I told Jeremiah." 


Isiah then burst through the door, "Who do I have to kill because I will kill them I will push my revolver where the sun don't shin-" 

Lola cut Isiah off by walking over to him and hugging him, "Breathe. We're fine. Charlie shot them. It's fine." 

"What if they try again? What will happen then?" Isiah asked 

Lola walked over to her purse and took out a gun, "I'll shoot their fucking balls off is what will happen. Now I am going to go and talk to Esme and John." 

"You don't have to act like you're okay," Isiah said 

Lola turned around when she got to the door, "I could say the same thing to you. Don't think I don't know how you're feeling. I can read you like a book Isiah Jesus." 

. . . . . . . . . .

Lola walked through John and Esme's house and one of John's children ran past her but Lola was quicker and picked her up, "Oh hello there!" 

"Any tighter and you'll fucking kill her." John chuckled as he walked into the room with Esme behind her 

Esme walked past John and hugged Lola, "Are you okay?" 

Lola put Katie down, "Yeah I'm okay. So what do you want to talk to me about?"

"She's cooking up a little John Boy," John said 

Lola paused for a second before she looked at Esme, "You're kidding me?" 

John shook his head, "Two new Shelby or Gray babies in the family." 

Lola smiled as she hugged Esme, "That's amazing!"

 "No hug for me?" John asked 

Lola walked over to John and hugged him

. . . . . . . .

"Tommy bought mum a house I think he's gone nuts." Lola called as she walked into the Jesus' house, she walked into the living room and saw Isiah standing there, "You alright?" 

Isiah nodded as he tossed something to Lola, she caught it and saw a bullet, "Read what it says." 

Lola looked at the bullet and saw what was cut into it, she looked at Isiah and saw him kneeling on the ground, "I'm confused. Engraving in bullets is a different thing to me. Isiah." 

"Lo, please this is happening okay look. I love you, I love how tough you are, I love how beautiful you are. I should have written this down first." 

Lola walked over to Isiah, "No it's okay. This is good." 

Isiah nodded, "I love how much you act to be okay with waking up at a ridiculous time in the morning because I have nightmares. You're kind and you're funny and you are the best person I know. I want to have a family with you, and I know the little Gray will have the best mum in the world, I know it hasn't been easy for us but we made it so...Lola Gray will you become my wife?" 

"Isiah Jesus I will marry you," Lola said 

Isiah smiled as he stood up, Lola laughed when he sighed in relief, and Isiah put the ring on her finger. 

Lola put her hands on his face and kissed him, when she pulled away Lola looked up at him, "I love you so much you know that?" 

Just then Jeremiah walked through the door, "Good morning! There is a horse..." He stopped talking when he saw the ring box in Isiah's hand, "Did you just?" Isiah nodded, he then looked at Lola, "And did you say?" Lola nodded 

"Oh Hallelujah!" Jeremiah smiled as he walked over to them and joined in the hug

Isiah laughed, he then looked at Jeremiah, "Actually Pops there's something else we need to tell you." 

Lola looked at him, "You haven't told him yet?! You might want to sit down for this one." 

Jeremiah sat down on the sofa, "Well there has been a-" 

Lola cut Isiah off, "Darling, be direct." 

Isiah nodded, "How do you feel about being a grandpa?" he asked

Jeremiah looked at Lola and she nodded with a smile, "Surprise grandpa." 

"This is a good day. This is a good day." Jeremiah said as he stood up and hugged Lola

Thank you for reading 

A lot happened in this one didn't it 

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