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Physical therapy was an excruciating nightmare.
Izuku was a major hands on person, his hands were essentially his entire life he needed both to create things! Now that bitch took them away. His dominate hand was gone and his left was significantly weakened via the accident.

It didn't help that while being a ray of sunshine most times, when it came to therapy Doctor Obito was a living nightmare!

"CMON KID YOU GOT IT! YOU GOT IT! JUST A LITTLE MORE!! CMON! GIVIN UP SO SOON!" He was currently trying to lift a 10 pound dumbbell with his left arm, whilst being positively barraged by both insults and motivational words.

All the while he was doing his exercises his mind had been going about a mile a minute. It was his way of pushing away the intrusive thoughts, just clog is mind with ideas! And ideas he certainly had. He had intentions of creating artificial quirks with machines, he'd sure as hell get past this with them too!

Tears threatened his eyes as he did his final pull in the dumbbell the pain was still excruciating but he has to "grit hit teeth" and push forward.

Next up finger control , his fingers were placed in this strange netting contraption where the purpose was to stretch against the elastics and open his hand.

It was a monumental task.

"You got it! Look at you go! Just a little more and you're done for today! Stretch stretch stretch!!!" Hed all but tuned out Yuna at this point his soul focus, OPENING THIS EVIL CONTRAPTION!!

By the time he was done Izuku was utterly exhausted, he hated it. Before he was close to peak physical shape that he could be! Now a godamn elastic was beating him. He wanted to hit something, he wanted to hit several things! It was so embarrassing and just soul crushing when he couldn't do the things he could before! He'd started doing sit ups in his personal time but the pain caused by them was too much still, he could hardly get two before he had to stop. On the bright side breathing had gotten somewhat easier! He'd begun to learn basically how to breath again with the tank that'd he need "for the rest of his life", the joke there was that either he'd find away around it! Or his life wouldn't be that long anyway. But that didn't matter right now!

Izuku was left waiting in the therapy room which was fortunately empty, he'd assumed it was due to not wanting other patients to see him. It made sense he was hideous now. He shook his head to erase the negative thoughts, his neck cracking at the action. He'd yet to come up with a reasonable way to fix himself, he had concepts for prosthetics but non were close to a testing phase yet. He'd also never created a concept for a prosthetic jaw before, the idea actually kinda excited him!

Yuna had returned a few minutes later a large smile on her face, a clipboard in hand and a small little box in her left hand.

"Heyooo! Back again sorry about that wait! Had to do "doctor" things!" She used air quotes for the word Doctor, Izuku was actually pretty surprised with how much she seemed to love her job.

"Ok Vibrant! I got a lillll tiny surprise for you!" Vibrant was the nickname she gave him after she saw his green eyes. "Because of how absolutely freaking SPECTACULAR! You're doing! I decided to get you a little gift!" She held out the small box pinching the bottom half so that Izuku could lift the lid, even now she was doing her job.

Complying Izuku grabbed the top half of the box with an inquisitive expression in his eyes. Working together they opened the box and to Izukus surprise, it was a black ring with green accents? Turning to look at his therapist his eyes asking for context.

"OH! Right! Welllllllll think of it as a reminder" she crouched down and grabbed a hold of his hand slowly placing the ring on his middle finger.
"Of how far you've come already, and that it'll remind you no matter how hard things are gonna get! You'll get past it.

Because I believe you can do it Izuku"

Izuku to his credit tried his best before breaking down. Aside from his father even before the "accident" she had been the only person to actually believe in him. He got a solid five seconds before the water works started.

Yuna smiled when she watched the boy sniffle and try his best not to cry, it was truly commendable. She bent over and gave the boy a kinda and tender hug. She was fairly blunt with her emotions and actions but she was no where close to her niece!

Trying his best to pull himself back together which was EXTREMELY difficult especially after the hug. Izuku smiled with his eyes, wheeling himself over to a desk he grabbed his note pad and wrote down his heartfelt thanks for the gesture and the words.

It had been nearly a month since Izuku started physical therapy, due to the nature of his injuries and the severity the staff decided that it'd be best if he were to spend another month or two living there for observation. Izuku actually held a hospital and even country record of most surgeries in the shortest amount of time. In all extensive purpose, Izuku was a medical marvel!

At the end of the week Izuku would be going home. Back to those stares of pity. Fortunately at least he'd still have physical therapy every other day. Izuku laid in his bed throwing a ball up and down as both a reflex and therapy test but to quench his un ending boredom. This was easily the worst he hated doing nothing with a passion! He should be at home creating! But no. He was stuck, trapped here. Inwardly sighing he put down his ball and grabbed his notebook, even if he physically couldn't engineer new things, he could design them. His first step to getting back what he lost would be to design them, getting back home would be the test.

It wasn't working. No matter what he wrote down nothing worked! He could see that in the designs alone! He had the pieces but he could get them to connect! He'd already discerned that he'd need to rebuild his hand if he wanted a shot, trying to build that with his remaining dominant hand would be a challenge. He couldn't get any help as he couldn't communicate properly! Based upon the damage to his throat rebuilding his Jaw would be a monumental task so it was out of the question for now.

He absolutely hated everything right now! It was all so frustrating! It didn't help that his intrusive thoughts were making everything that much harder!

'It's all her fault! I'm suffering in literal silence! While they get off Scott free?!! No consequences! As far as I know no body even knows what they did! Now look at me! Nothing but a pathetic useless thing! So hideous my own mother ran away from me!'

He clutched and pulled at his hair before thrashing around in his bed. His immobility was making him go crazy sitting there. In his moment of a temper tantrum his thoughts acting like a wrecking ball to his defences he'd alerted the hospital staff via his monitors. A mess of nurses rushed in to hold him down to stop him from hurting himself. They had to go as far as to sedate him.

In his remaining moments of consciousness, Izuku could see his fallen notebook on the ground opened to a page made for a potential right arm prosthetic. In his final moments of awareness, Izuku had an epiphany.

Piece By Piece. (Cyber Izuku)Where stories live. Discover now