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Izuku walked up to Hatsumeis break room. Before he could even knock there was a loud BANG! As something exploded.....taking a deep breath Izuku knocked on the door. A loud,

"IF YOUR MUSCLES DONT COME IN HERE!!!" Was shouted from the other side, sighing inwardly Izuku opened the door to be met with a ploom of smoke wafting the air Izuku coughed as he search for Mei.

"Hatsumei it's me where are you?!!" He called out, somehow the smoke alarms hadn't gone off!...Because Mei ripped them off the ceiling....

"HEY YOUR MUSCLES! THOUGHT I GAVE THE EXPRESS ORDER FOR YOU NOT TO COME IN HERE!!!" Hatsumei shouted far louder than necessary before covering what was once a project sitting on the desk....Izuku simply deadpanned at her before shaking his head and holding his nose.

"You had one job Mei! Don't blow anything up! Whatever it doesn't matter I came to check up on your plans you're up against the engine kid next so I wanted to make sure you'd actually remember to go!" Mei simply blinked at him a few times before saying.

"WHAT!" Izuku rolled his eyes before he went to help her with her hearing....

Toshinori was practically jumping all over the place as he was ecstatic about his kids making it to the next stage! His son even though that girl from class B was truly awful to him! He fought amazingly! Even some of the other staff were impressed! As most of them knew who Izuku was and his status as both crippled and quirkless, Toshinori eyed Nezu who was nearly grinning ear to ear...whilst slowly laughing to himself....however whilst Toshi was extremely happy he remembered his sons words.

"God! I just! I wanna hurt someone! So badly!!!! So fucking badly dad! It's not right!!! It's...not ok!! I was so mad! I wasn't even me anymore dad!" The memory was fresh and stapled in his mind. He's known his son was struggling and that his mind went to some dark places when he was upset...but he'd never seen that much anger and rage, he was literally shaking as if he'd just jump up and attack! Normally he'd just chalk it up to the awful words and thrill of the fight!....but he'd make sure to keep an eye on it and talk to him after the festival, perhaps a therapist...they'd been so busy with Izukus physical recovery and training that they hadn't done much for Izukus mental was something to look into. For the time being he was about to watch his future daughter in law compete! He was genuinely excited! Even if it had been a short amount of time Toshinori thought he pretty much had Hatsumei pinned on her character so he was interested to see how the inventor would compete!....he was definitely in for a show!

"FOR THE FINAL MATCH OF THE PRELIMINARY ROUNDS WE HAVE THE INSANE INVENTOR! SHES THOUGHT HER WAY OUT OF EVERY OBSTACLE ITSSSS! MEI HATSUMEI OF SUPPORT COURSE H!!!!!!!" Mei practically skipped her way onto the field vibrating with excitement for her presentation! A certain tall ass green bean was shouting the loudest over the crowd.

"AND IN THE OTHER CORNER WE HAVE THE ROCKET POWERED RULE STICKLER ITS TENYA ILDAAAAA OF CLASS 1AAAAA!!!" The crowd cheered in excitement as the boy robotically walked up the deus. Izuku was actually interested in his quirk and due to the boys robotic nature some people might have also put him in the same category as Izuku! Maybe they'd get a chance to talk sometime?! From what he'd seen Ildas engines could work very well with Izukus Kicks! Quickly Izuku also noticed Meis plan......she'd utterly sabotaged the hero student.....he watched smiling the whole time as Midnight reprimanded the boy for wearing support equipment that he hadn't requested before the festival. Mei was grinning the entire time.

In summary the "fight" turned into Mei without Liz's help hacking into the PA system and the parading Ilda around like a test dummy.....

For an hour.....

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