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(We're officially caught up with the time skip chapter so that's why we're going straight to the Calvary battle shenanigans)

Izukus vision was blurred from two things....number one being exhaustion....he'd just ran an entire race!....with a passenger! He'd carried Mei over a significant portion of the course so excuse him for being a little tired! The second all consuming rage. Laying in the ground like a desperate beggar was Izumi Midoryia, his sister. He wanted to walk over and punch her head clean off her body......but he didn't expect that to look good in front of the whole world. Forcing his gaze away he turned to look back at Mei whilst Liz was cheering and flipping off every. Other one of the competitors from inside his heads up display. Izukus lung finally preformed the procedures so he'd get his breath back as more competitor's reached the end.  That's when he heard it.

"OBITO! O-BITO! O-BITO" he turned to look into the crowd nearly all of them were cheering his "name" their excited and semi crazed smiles gazed at him with passion and encouragement....he'd never felt something like that before, to truly be an extra forced into centre stage...he couldn't help the smile that quivered to his lips before his hand shakily moved on its own and raised high into the air. Like he was auto pilot Izuku released a mechanized battle cry....

The stadium lost their fucking minds

People screamed and clapped hell some people were violently shaking each other....Izuku truly felt like he was a gladiator of ancient times. In a simple action he'd become a show stealer...the underdog who appeared from nowhere to snag first from the overconfident prodigy!
He was a true dark horse in the running.
Izuku could hear muffled shouting from behind him as he turned to look his body froze....

Katsuki Bakugo....he hadn't seen him since.... that day. The boy was glaring at Izuku as if he could see straight through his disguise. He was thrashing and screaming as he was being held back by two other boys...Izuku just assumed they were Katsukis new lackeys..however instead of the days of youth, Izuku did not cower. His pain resurfaced as he could hear that stupid name Katsuki called out....what was it again? Izuku returned the glare his masked eyes burned into the raging teen! Then an idea formed in his head, his right arm slowly raised until he was pointing a finger gun directly at Katsuki. He could feel the ash fault tear off his skin! He could feel when his spine snapped!! Ah yes that's what it was called

"Ap shot" Izuku said to himself before he made the action of shooting with the flick of his wrist. He then gave Katsuki not only a absolute massive call out!.....the mad lad didn't even give him the chance to retaliate turning and walking away without looking back. Liz had double flipped him off and shouted "OOOOOOO GET OWNED BAKUBIIIIIITTTTTCHHHHHHHHH". Everyone in the crowd lost their mind at the display at the fast forming rivalry!! Present Mic made some joke about "Icarus" challenging the sun. Shouta was silent.

Izuku had walked down one of the tunnels from the arena as they prepared to announce the next challenge. Ensuring he was alone...Izuku slammed his fist into the wall creating a decently size crater...he let out a shakey breath as he chuckled sadly to himself as tears fell from his eyes. He didn't even know why he was crying...fear? Sadness? Joy? He couldn't tell but when he did that to Bakugo to utterly humiliate him in front of the whole world! Oh boy did that ever feel good! Izuku sat/slumpt against the wall as he cradled a small device in his hand. From deeper in the dark hallway he could see and feel the glowing green orbs that stared at him barely making out a didn't scare him...he knew it wasn't real. When he looked back the eyes were gone and he was once again alone. Taking a deep breath he stored the device as his visor and mask folded back to shroud his appearance.

Making his way back out to the field Mei had come bounding up to him excitedly talking about her babies and his own quickly diving into potential upgrades or fixes. They went in detail with it too before they got interrupted by their ahem. Scandalous hostess.....with a crack of her whip! Midnight had gained the attention of every person in attendance. Mei stood next to Izuku practically vibrating as everyone began to gather round. There was notable tense aura around the people who stood close to the pair. Midnight smirked as she called for the wheel! With a game show like flair the digital bored spun and slowed to reveal the next game.

Piece By Piece. (Cyber Izuku)Where stories live. Discover now