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  Mei sat there...holding onto her friend. His choked sobs echoing down the hall as he grabbed onto her tightly close to crushing her. He felt so everything that made him a person was ripped out of him...he felt less than a deku, he didn't even feel human...he was horrified by himself, it was like he was a passenger sitting in the back seat as his body tried to do awful things....he could feel it, all the anger, the unbridled was aimed at the whole world
He wanted to utterly tear Shiozaki make an example of her to show them what was coming..What is worse...what truly horrified him was that,

He wanted to do it.

Hatsumei held on tightly as if anchoring him to this world...that even letting go a little bit would send him spiralling! She knew that plant pastor chicks words were getting to him..because they were getting to her....Mei wasn't a violent person! Well...not intentionally that is but she wanted to throw her into a canon and shoot her into the sun! Ya don't call someone an imaginary deity's mistake in front of the whole world!! Mei didn't say anything as she held Izuku she had no idea what to do she was just praying on someone more qualified to show up! She wanted help she just...didn't know how. Luckily a very qualified came sprinting down the hall!

"ZUKE!!!! YOU DOWN HERE BUD!" Mei could here the shouts of Mr Yagi from down the hall.

"We're down here Mr Yagi!! He's down here!" Mei shouted from her position in the crux of Izukus neck. It was actually surprisingly comfortable she thought.

There were loud taps as Toshinori made his approach, there he saw the hurdled up bodies of his son and his "not girlfriend" as Izuku said. From this sight?! Ya he called bullshit on that, but now wasn't the time.

"Hey bud it's dad? Can you hear me under all that girlfriend of yours?!" He said trying to cheer his son up, he also got a hidden blush from Mei which she didn't know why happened? Not like she gets embarrassed like the plebeians that are normal people?! She just shrugged and moved on. Toshinori saw his sons eyes move up to look at him.....blood shot to hell and surrounded in blood...quickly sucking in a deep breath he got serious. He crouched down and placed a hand on his sons remaining free shoulder he didn't mind the blood.

"Cmon bud look at you? You really gonna let someone like that get ya down? She called you a mistake...she called you a monster..." he paused Izukus head dropping as his teeth grit in sorrow.

"And she's an idiot." Izukus head looked up at his father again....he looked like he was five again, crashing his bike for the first time...Toshi gave a melancholy smile as he placed a hand to Izukus chest.

"It doesn't matter what a single person says to you bud, all that matters is that you are Izuku Yagi! You are my son! You are my pride and my joy and I will be amazed forever in anything you do!! All that matters is what you think matters! You wanna know what I saw out there?" Izuku remind silent as his grip tightened around his silent friend.

"I saw a kid...a kid that this world never wanted to have anything! A kid who tried his best to be something everyone told him he couldn't be! Who when everything was against him! He got up! He looked those bastards in the eye! and he kept! Getting! Up! I saw a kid who would never let anything stop him!!!! I saw my son! I saw him fighting for a dream the world never wanted him to achieve!! So fuck em!! Fuck this whole damn world!! Fuck what they say and what they do! Because what I saw out there Izuku!

I saw nothing but greatness!

Bud! I saw the smartest man in this world, earning his dreams! Izuku you could be a godamn window cleaner and I would still adore you as my son! So that now, don't tell anyone but....bitch... wants to call you a freak! Wants to call my son a mistake?!! Never! Never once have you been a mistake!! Because hell if even the big guy up there thinks you are then he can kindly go fuck himself!!! You are exactly who you are meant to be Izuku! So are you going to let someone who has no idea the amazing kid you are! Decide who you are?"

Piece By Piece. (Cyber Izuku)Where stories live. Discover now