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Izuku sat alone at his studio bench..he was the only one still inside, everyone else had already left with their preparations. Hatsumei had absent mindedly left whilst in a rant to Izuku, she'd utterly abandoned him without noticing....he didn't mind though, he needed some time to clear his head. Next to him sat his cart packed with as many cases that he could fit on it. His leg bounced rhythmically in both anticipation and anxiety, various clicks sounded as mechanical tendons shifted. He'd gone over his plans, then his back up plans, then his back up back up plans.....he was as ready as he could possibly be in the time he had! This was or die, this was Izukus one and only shot at achieving his dreams....oh proving to everyone that they were wrong!! To show the world just what a quirkless can do!

And to prove to himself that they weren't right.

In all intensive purposes...Izuku would practically be a walking tank, or atleast he hoped he would. He had enough munitions and experimental weaponry to rival a small militia! But would it be enough?....every time Izuku thought of a plan he tore it down, every time he had a spark of hope....he smothered it. Hope didn't belong here, nor did fear....Only perfection and vengeance did. He'd gone as far as to "mute" Liz so that he could have some time to think by himself. He'd thought about every thing that led him to that moment....he could feel the dull pain that would forever remain in him....but he could see a clarity in it, he could see in between the suffering! How his life had it improved in some aspects. He had a whole complete family of trust and genuine love. He had a friend!

But it had taken everything to get them. It took the complete and utter destruction of his body and himself as a person....How even when he had nothing! The world still chose to take more from him....whilst those who stole it from him, his life....his off Scott free. Justice is blind they say. He looked down to a syringe in his palm, an almost glowing green liquid sat inside. He closed his eyes as he felt a phantom hand wrap around his shoulders. Before a voice infiltrated his mind

"Time to tip the scale"

Izuku sucked in a deep breath and sighed before unleashing Liz....who had been talking non stop not knowing she was muted....he wasn't gonna ruin her fun. He placed the syringe back into its case before placing it on the cart, he grabbed a hold of his repaired mask and slipped it over his disfigured features.

"These D bags ain't even know what's comin for em!!" Liz interrupted acting like a child....even if she was two......Izuku only chuckled as he pushed his cart from the support studio and into the busy hallways of UA.

Toshinori waited in his viewers box within the "colosseum" as Nezu liked to call it....he'd already chewed off his nails in anticipation as he paced back and forth....he knew he shouldn't pick a side! Their both his kids!......but he reallllly wanted Izuku to beat the snot out of the other students! He'd looked down at his phone ti see a message from Elizabeth saying that Izuku and herself would be at the stadium in ten minutes with the rest of the support course. Toshinori sucked in a deep breath as he tried to steady himself! He hadn't been this nervous since the twins were born!! A few other of the staff who sat in the viewing box simply stared at the man as he looked like he was receiving the worst news of his life! Toshi looked down Into the stands seeing a majority of them had been filled by this point and they were still forty five minutes till the even started! Everything was set! Toshi did was he could! The rest was now in Zukes hands! They'd trained! They'd created! Now it was time to prove his metal.

Izumi walked cheerfully with some of her friends as they made their way towards the stadium. Laughing and joking, but secretly all of them were on edge! After that declaration of war it felt like a massive target had been put on 1A foreheads....just so happened there were two massive ones among them. After having survived a villian attack and their insane! Training most of them were actually over confident going into this competition!.....a true warning of disaster. Bakugo..growled at his "friends" who walked with him, a very angular boy with spikes red hair and shark teeth. And a shorter boy who had blonde hair with a black lightning bolt in it. This was it! The whole world would be watching them! They'd get to show off that they earned their spots that they were the best of the best!! It was time to show the world that they'd be heros!!

Hatsumei sat laying underneath a hoist in the support course break room. A salted pretzel had been shoved into her mouth by a certain green giant. Whom stood with his own pretzel whilst making his final equipment checks and clipping on last minute additions to his belt. Two hilts sat "sheathed" on his new prosthetic legs, the new slick grey and black metal intermediately broken by panels and bolts. A very large pistol was holstered at his hip attacked to his literal utility belt.....two small containers hung on the back of his hips. with two hook like objects sat on the sides. He wore a tanned bullet proof vest built with a titanium and graphene alloy, it could probably tank a...well a tank round. His dark green jumpsuit comprised of cut resistant and fire retardant material whilst being lightweight and comfortable. Resting atop the jumpsuit was a black harness like device that was connected directly to Izukus synthetic spine. Two more containers sat wrapped around his shoulder blades matching the two by his hips.his right hand was that of his new prosthetic that he and Mei had made....the "Memento Mori". His left was covered by a large gauntlet that matched the look of his mechanical appendage. He was just finishing the harness for the most important tool he had....the A.I.T.H. Now fit into a significantly cleaner and sleek shell it no longer looked like it would collapse all of reality at any's ambient blue glow resonating with a small hum. Sharing the same connection as the metal harness the A.I.T.H. Connected directly with Izukus spine. He was ready for war and he sure looked the part, the military green and brown along with the shemagh around his neck and his mask he looked like a soldier sent from the future......his visor collapsed around his eyes and folded into a full mask....a feature he designed after his full mask was destroyed...quickly the eyes winked into their glowing green as he turned to look at Hatsumei. He was gawked at by the other students staring in awe at his intimidating visage. Mei simply looked with excitement! This was just going to be the best for their brand! He would be impossible to miss!

Everyone chatted amicably whilst they waited for their que to enter the arena, some making plans...others writing it off completely! Izuku was helping to harness Hatsumeis grapple system around her legs as she finished last minute diagnostics. Izukus job in this was to be the placement! He was to carry them as far as possible to get the most amount of eyes onto them so that Mei could pull out the big guns for their "presentation" Izuku stood up finishing his objective before glancing over Mei. She noticed and made a dorky action pose as both Liz and Izuku rolled their eyes.

"Looking slick ace" Izuku said before grabed Meis googles and pulled them let go causing them to slap into her face. She immediately over reacted.

"IM HIT! IM HIT COACH TAKE ME OUT THE GAME!" She shrieked as she slowly lowered to the ground....Liz played stock clapping sounds in both their ears. Izuku genuinely laughed. He was enjoying himself when sobriety had hit him like a truck!....In just a few minutes he'd face his biggest hurdle to achieving his dreams....however he knew he'd have to end some others to achieve his own. May the best man win and all that.

Was a good thing He was part machine.

"INTROOODUUUUCINGGG! THE CLASS WHO SURVIVED AND FOUGHT OFF A VILLIAN ATTACK! ITS 1AAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" They could hear the roaring voice of Present Mic introducing the first course onto the field....this was it, the whole world would be watching...just like Izuku wanted.

"Show Time"

Authors note:

HEYOOOOO!!! Sports festival babyyyy!!! Imma be honest yall there were a few times I didn't think I'd make it this far I'm impressed with myself lol! I have a tendency to change ideas faster than Izumi's mood swings. Anyway ya we're finally getting to the meat and fuckin potatoes! The issue I have now is....what ideas do I use?! I'll figure it out! I'm gonna try and work on another drawing of the ending of the last chapter but I make no guaranteess!

Also I was thinking about making an Izumi chapter again about the dorm life and so you can see some insight as to what happened at the USJ and what not through flash backs. It would come before this one since I don't wanna ruin the flow. But let me know what you guys think or even a Bakugo chapter?

Anyway that's about it! Stay baller doods

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