Kacy May

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I don't know what is it but I'm not feeling it. Sitting in my room at 4 in the morning waiting on my husband to come home. I sipped my wine as my daughter laid on the other side of my bed where my man should be.

Now, I could be crazy but I don't think I am. For the past 3 months, this had been my routine. I honestly didn't think Scooter was cheating on me but I didn't put anything past his ass either. as I said before for the past 3 months I've been having this nagging feeling in the back of my head about something and I didn't know what it was and with scooter coming in late, it had me concocting a few scenarios in my head.

continuing to sip my wine, I decided to pull out my laptop and check my inventory, about 30 mins later I heard the sound of our alarm system being disabled. sitting my laptop to the side I got out of bed and made my way to the front of the house.

when I reached the front of the house I saw him in the refrigerator leaning against the well and crossing my ankles, I cleared my throat and finally spoke.

"Nice to see you alive and safe."

"Look, Kay Kay, don't start tonight. I'm hungry and tired as hell. if you about to yell and do all that other shit, can't it wait till the morning?" he asked and groaned.

But I could do him one better, I wasn't even gonna be here when he woke up. Not bothering to respond to him I went back up to our room and got in the bed. pulling my daughter close to me, I drifted off to sleep.


when I got up in the morning I made sure I was out before he was set to wake up.

after I dropped off my daughter and my son to my parents I went to my shop and waited for Bella to arrive. when I made it inside I saw that we had a full house and our workers were busy.

once back in my office, I was Bella already there with wine.

"I already heard, Scooter called this morning. whats going on Kacy?" she asked handing me a glass that she just poured.

"Honestly I don't know, Bells, I Scooter hasn't been coming home at a decent time like I'm up at four in the morning most nights waiting on him. I'm telling you sometimes I think me and scooter got married too young and he's stuck with me or something. I just don't fucking know, something just ain't sitting right with me. I actually tried to talk to him about it last night and the first thing he says to me is he doesn't feel like hearing cause he's hungry and tired."

"I can only speak for last night but he and Mason were both out last night making moves. I don't know why he didn't just tell you that but we already had this talk about them taking the crown. more so scooter. you know with Masons career he can't do too much so scooter has to step up. I'm not by any means excusing him coming home and not letting you know he's gone be out but think about all that he has to take on."

she had a point but my intuition was telling me it was something more, he may not be cheating but as I said before something was sitting with my spirit.

"At some point, ima talk to him about how I'm feeling but right now I'm about to be real petty, just cause I don't like that way he dismissed me last night. he got me fucked up." I said rolling my eyes and she started laughing.

"Girl I don't blame you, cause Mason can try me."

just as I was about to reply back to her, I heard a commotion coming from the front of my shop. making my way to the front I saw masked men holding my workers at gunpoint. walking about slowly I made sure they didn't notice me. I quickly dialed Scooter and he didn't answer, calling two more times I got the same result. I rushed back to my office and saw Bella scrolling through her phone, she immediately looked up and saw the fear on my face.

"Bella, call Mason, some niggas are robbing my damn shop."

she panicked damn near dropping her phone and made the call. on the first ring, he answered. thank god.

"Mason you need to find scooter and get to Kacy's shop, some niggas are robbing the store. we're in the back office but they holding the damn worker and I'm sure they will make their way back here." Bella said to him.

"He's on his way, I'm pissed I don't got my damn gun on me." she said pissed.

"Naa even if you had it on you I wouldn't even let you. Mason, Mello, and Cario would kill us both." I said shaking my head. Bella was trained for shit like this and has been since she was 17 but know she was a mother of two and Mason wouldn't allow her to do anything that could put her life in danger.

pacing around the shop I heard a lot of yelling and i felt useless, my employees were scared for their lives and there was nothing I could do about it.

after less then five minutes I heard gunshots and I started getting worried, I heard some of my working begging for help and i assumed the worst until my office door opened and to my surprise Scooter along with Mason walked in with their guns drawn.

"Shit yall got here fast, is everybody ok. I heard a lot of gunshots and i thought the worst.
" I said running up to scooter and hugging him tightly.

"I was already on my way here that's why I didn't answer the phone. Shits straight. We got one of them niggas alive, get yall shit and let's go." he said releasing me from his hold.

"I have to check on my employees. I can't leave without seeing if they're ok. I'm shutting the store down for the next month and sending them home on paid leave."

when we walked out I saw my workers, Simone, Ashley, and Malcolm consoling each other, I walked up to them and they rushed me hugging me. I let them know the plan and to call me if they needed anything.

we got in the car and headed home, I was on airplane mode all the way home, I feel like the bullshit was just beginning and I about to prepare myself for it.


Another filler chapter until the real drama starts. Y'all don't hate me but shit gotta build up.

🛑 I dont have any questions for this chapter.
Feel free to ask me any question 🛑


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