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Master plan...

I gotta let y'all know how I did this shit.... let me take it back to before we got Bella back.

1 day before getting Bella back...

"Look at the shit I just found out." Cario said as him and Mello came walking into Scooters hospital room where I had been on my down time if I wasn't out looking for Bella. He was being released today though so we wouldn't be here too much longer.

"What is it?" I asked sitting up in my seat.

"Well apparently your father and Bella's mama weren't as smart as they thought." He paused. I hate when people do that shit, just get it over with.

"What?" Scooter said with a stained voice, seeing as though he just woke up from his coma a week ago it's taking him a while to get his voice back.

"They hired a security company. Now with all the scheming and shit they do, I looked into the company and they just as bogus as y'all parents. They take on ANYBODY, literally. They don't care what you have going on as long as you pay them. The company is ran by a nigga maned Nacho. Stupid ass name I know, but the nigga is making paper under the table with side jobs and shit.."

"Ok so, set up a meeting with him. Paper ain't a issue." I said.

"He said he "ran" the company not owns it. Now the company is owned by Chino who is Nacho's aunties husband. We gotta get at him cause I'm almost positive he doesn't know about Nachos side dealings." Mello said.

"Again, set a meeting. I'm ready for what ever." I said getting agitated.

"You late lil nigga we got a meeting tomorrow morning. Scooter you cool to move?" Cario asked.

"Yea, I'm straight, I'm getting discharged today anyways." He replied back.

"Good shit, we out ima text y'all the details and shit when we done handling business." Cario said as him and Mello walked over to us and dapped up up before leaving.

6 hrs before....

"This niggas name don't hold power or weight so when we get in here just keep it professional." Mello and Cario ran Florida so wasn't a nigga above them or giving them orders. If that say he was just a regular ass business man then that's how we gone treat him.

"Ight." Me and scooter said at the same time.

Walking to the building we was greeted by a receptionist who took our names and told us we could go back.

Walking down the hall I had a good feeling about this meeting and I was here for it.

"Gentlemen, Welcome." I fat bald Mexican said sitting behind a desk with a cigar in his hand.

"Thank you for taking this meeting." Mello said shaking his hand.

"What can I help you fellas with." He asked getting tight down to business.

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