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"Kacy get the door." I yelled from the bathroom.

"What the fuck!" I heard Kacy yell.
I quickly shook my dick and pulled my pants before running towards the front of the apartment.

Once I got to the front I saw Kacy in the hallway looking back and forth down the hall with Aiden in her arms. How the hell did she get him.

"Yo, Kacy what the hell is going on?" I asked walking up to her and taking Aiden out her arms. He was three and big as hell and too heavy for her to be holding him.

"Your guess is as good as mine." She stated, picking Aiden up again and bringing him inside the apartment.

Walking out the door and looking back and forth down the hall I didn't see anybody but I saw a note. Picking up the note I read it.

"I am simply a product of my environment, I've loved my son the way I was loved and that's saying a lot. I'm not about to be on some sappy shit cause that's not me but I have a some things to say. First, I don't want my son to know me, I only had him to get you scooter but that didn't work. Second, yes I was working with Jason and Kendra as well as Allison, since the bitch didn't wanna go through with the plan FUCK HER. Lastly, I knew Aiden was yours from the beginning, at one point I think I did love you or maybe it was your money I honestly don't think I know what actual love is shit you know my story but that's neither here nor there. Anyways, if you don't want him find something to do with him cause I'm never coming back. BTW I hope Kacy loses her baby cause FUCK YALL! Love Monica ! Muahhhh!!!"

"Yo this bitch is really crazy !" I said fuming ! I was pisses the duck off what type of mother abandons their child like that.

"You know what Scooter, I'm not even mad. That bitch is finally out of our lives and I gain a son." She said kissing my cheek trying to calm me down.

"That's not even the worst part read the ending." I told her handing her the paper.

"Scooter , what the hell is wrong with her!" She said rubbing her stomach and breathing hard.

"Calm down, that hoe is miserable and trying to fuck with us." I said now trying to calm her down before she stresses my baby out.

"As a mother who would wish that on somebody," she now had tears streaming down her face.

Come on, I'll put Aiden in Mason's old room and open the new baby monitors we have so we can hear him from my room." I said helping her off the couch.

"Ok." She said waddling to my room still crying.

After I laid Aiden down and sat the monitors up I went to my room to find Kacy asleep in the bed. I made my way to the bed and climbed in and pulled her to me.


"SCOOTER! GET UP!" I heard yelling but I thought I was hearing shit so I stayed sleep.

"SCOOTER ! PLEASE GET UP!! OH MY GOD! IT HURTS!" I heard Kacy yell again.

This time I hopped out of bed and looked at her and she was sitting in a puddle of blood.

"Kacy wtf bruh, what happened."

"Called 911, NOW!" She yelled holding her stomach. Reaching over to my night stand I picked up my phone and called.

"Baby hold on, they're on the way." I said getting on my knees and rubbing here stomach.

I heard beating on the door 5 mins later and I ran to let them in. Once that started tending to her I went to get Aiden and got him ready by the time i was done they had her on a stretcher and wheeling her out the door.

The ride to the hospital was long as fuck to me.

They rushed her to the room and I called my cousin bell and my aunt. About 20mins later everybody came running in including Mello and Cario.

"Scooter what happened?"

I ran down everything that happened up until the time Kacy woke me up screaming.

"Ima kill that bitch!" Bella said while crying.

"Yo I can't lose my baby bruh, that shit gone fuck me up." I said on the verge of losing my sanity.

"Have the doctors said anything?" My aunt asked.

"No I haven't heard anything since they took her back."

"Ok, I'll be right back." My aunt said walking away.

10mins later she came back, with a doctor beside her.

"This is doctor Maish." She said introducing him and sitting down before taking Aiden from me.

"What's the word doc?" I asked standing up.

"Are you her Fiancé?" He asked and I told him yes.

"Well sir, your child is was in distress and that's what cause her to come early. I'm sure by the amount of blood you saw had you worry but I can assure you that your daughter is fine. Although we had to preform an emergency C-section you fiancé is doing fine also." He said patting my shoulder. And I sighed in relief.

"When can we see them." Bella asked.

"I can take you know if you'd like. By the looks of you all I can see that everyone that she asked for is here. And since she isn't in any danger I will allow all of you guys to go in and see her she said in our deluxe recovery room." He said and we started walking to her room.

"Where are Kacy's parents?" I asked as me walked down the hall.

"Her mama said their about 20mins out but they're on the way." My aunt said. I had her call them since I forgot to. I felt bad about forgetting about them.

"Alright she's in here but don't get her worked up she still under medication and congratulations to you sir." He said and walking away.

Walking in the room we saw Kacy laying in bed watching tv.

"So you just chillin like you ain't scare the fuck out of us?" Cario said when he walked in.

"Shit up Alani!" She said sounding like Bella.

"Oh hellll no don't start that shit!" He said mumbling under his breath.

"How you feeling?" I asked her once I reached her bed.

"I was so scared Scooter, then they said that you couldn't come back there with me. She looks just like you." Lacy said crying.

"They didn't even tell me what was going on, my aunt had to go get someone. It's ok though as long as y'all are ok." I told her kissing her.

"Where are my parents?" She asked.

"They are on the way." I said as soon as her parents walked in.

"Oh my baby!" Her mama yelled. I chuckled a little cause she was dramatic.

"I'm ok mama." Kacy said hugging her mama.

"I'm bout to tell them to bring her in." I said going to find her nurse.

When I got back in the room we waited. 10mins later the brought her baby bed in.

Walking up to her I felt my chest swell, she was the female version of me and with that being said she looked just like my mama and I shed a few tears. Real niggas don't cry but I was a real man and I now had a daughter and a son. I was in love with my family.

Wheeling the bed to Kacy she picked her up and kissed her nose.

"Welcome to the world, Alani Rosaleigh Marshall."  Kacy said looking down at our daughter.

She was named after Cario taking his middle name, Rose for my mama and Leigh from Bella.

I felt a ping in my heart again cause she was doing my mama name justice, i didn't know she was going to name her after my mother at all.
I was truly happy and I couldn't wait to see what the future holds for us.


Y'all that's the end of Kacy and Scooters story HOW DO YALL FEEL ABOUT IT?

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