Bella Leigh

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It had been a few days since our first game. We were supposed to be a game this upcoming Friday but the other team canceled or some shit, I didn't ask too many questions. School has been having me stressed the fuck out. Even though the game was canceled we still had practice.

Kacy hasn't been the same since the day before the game. She won't tell me what happened but I know it  has something to do with Scooter cause she hasn't been over to his place and he hasn't been to ours.

Even Mason has been acting funny. When I text him I get one worded replies and my calls go unanswered. We never really spoke on campus but when I do see him, he's usually with his team.
Today though I decided to walk up to him.

After my first class I Walked to the place where I normally seen mason and the team but they weren't there. So my next stop was the boys gym.

Walking up to the gym I heard some people in there shooting around so I walked in. I noticed that it wasn't a regular practice and they were just playing around.

Once they came into view I saw Mason running down the court. Walking further in, I stopped just before I stepped on the court. I stood on the sideline and waited for him to notice me. When he didn't I called his name.

"Mason!" I yelled to him.
He looked up and looked confused.

"Yea." He said looking around like he didn't want to look at me.

"Can I talk to you." I asked him.

"Na." He said blowing out a breath.

"What?" I asked him.

"Na, shorty. Fine you something to do." He aid dismissing me.

"Seriously?" I asked him. He was blowing me. I don't know where this attitude was coming from.

"I said what I said ma." He shrugged and kept doing what he was doing before.

"Bells, sis just go." Scooter said to me.

I nodded me head and just walked away. I was hurt, I don't know what I said or did to him. But we was just fine last week.

Maybe I moved too fast or something. We spent the whole week together, I thought we were moving towards something but I guess not.

Walking back to the other side of campus to my car I got in a sat there. I was really confused. Was I too clingy or something?
Starting my car, I made my way home with Mason in my mind.

When I walked in the door I heard the sounds of Mary J Blige.
So I like what I see when I'm looking at me
When I'm walking past the mirror
Aint worried about you and what you gonna do
I'm a lady so I must stay classy
Got to keep it hot, keep it together
If I want to get better
You see I wouldn't change my life, my life's just
Fine, fine, fine, fine, fine, fine, ooh
Fine, fine, fine, fine, fine, fine, ooh
Just fine, fine, fine, fine, fine, fine, ooh
You see I won't change my life, my life's just fine.

Laughing I knew she was in her feelings.

Walking to my room, I sat my back pack down and went to my closet to get my clothes out for a shower. 

Once I got my clothes out I wrapped my hair up and got in.

When I was done, I put of a FAMU shirt and some Nike biker shorts white thick socks.
Walking to Kacy's room, I didn't even knock. I just went in and laid on her bed. When she finally noticed me, she didn't even look shocked. She turned her music on a low calm setting and climbed in bed with me.

"You ok." She asked me.

"I don't know." I told her lowly.

"Scooters ugly ass texted me and told me what happened." She signed.

"It was embarrassing knowing that he dissed me in front of half the basketball team but when I was walking out I saw that there was actually some people in the stands including Allison." I said sadly.

"What happened with y'all?"

"Kac, I honestly don't know. Shit we were straight the whole week, you saw. He was always here. You heard. We were always fucking." I paused.

"Maybe that's all he wanted from me, and he got it so  now he's done with me." I finished.

"Don't think like that, maybe he's going through something." She reasoned with me but I wasn't buying it .

"Nope, but it's coo, ima bounce back regardless. Ima just be the same person I was before. I'm really pissed cause I let my hoes go, he owes me some hoes bruh!" I said getting mad.

"Nooo, Bella. Not the hoes sis." She said laughing at me. I was dead serious. He had me fucked up.

In all honesty I was more hurt then a let on. I gave this nigga something I couldn't get back. Some might say I moved too fast but I've never been the type to be waiting on marriage or years in with a nigga, I simply went off vibes. I loved when a dude can have a decent conversation, and just chill with out sex. To be honest the whole week he was over we had sex three times and the others we were chilling.

I really down know where his actions were coming from.

"No but seriously, I know your feelings are hurt but fuck these niggas sis. You wanna go to a party this weekend?"

"You know what, why not, let's go."

"Gooooooddd, we gotta go to the mall, this calls for a new outfit."

"Everything calls for a new out fit for you." I chuckled at her.

"So, we gotta make these niggas mad." She said getting out the bed to twerk.

"You are so damn silly."

"I know but get out, I'm finna tale my cute ass to sleep." She told me.

"I've been put out of better places." I said hitting her with a pillow and walking out."

My best friend can make me fill better with out even trying, fuck Mason's fine ass. I was gone continue to do me like I was before.
Didn't proof read. 🙃

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