Chapter 9

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The elder was making out with this random girl he met at the club when someone was banging on his door. he ignored it but the banging didn't stop, giving up he headed towards the door.

"Don't go babe." the girl slurred, the elder is not that drunk but he can tell this girl definitely is.

he shook her off and opened his door to come face to face with a furiously looking Jungkook.

Taehyung felt as if the younger was breathing fire. But a hot lookin-shut up. "What do you need?" he asked in a bored tone. Instead of answering Jungkook grabbed his collar and dragged him outside of his room.

Wow what got the younger so blazed up?

"What are you doing at this hour with that girl?" Jungkook shouted, the elder was shocked at Jungkook shouting at him . "I can do whatever I want it's my house." He said in the same bored tone, and by then the girl went up to Jungkook.

"Hey shut up don't shout at my boyfriend." the girl shouted.

"I don't give a shit." Jungkook ignored her and came up to Taehyung. "woonie was trying to sleep but your stupidness got him scared and he's crying... how can you do that? If you're angry at me you should say it to me not hurt woonie, for God's sake he's only 5 and he was alone, I wasn't there." he lectured the elder.

That's why Jungkook is all fired up, shit....Taehyung scared woonie and he feels bad now, what should he do?

"Get out he doesn't wanna talk." the girl said and started dragging Jungkook but Taehyung stopped her,

"Get out of here before I make you." The elder hissed at the girl. "But Tae-" he stopped her. "Get out!" he shouted loud and with that she scurried off leaving Taehyung and Jungkook alone.

"Look I never knew what was going on, I don't know woonie was scared." he said.

"You give me so much work I come here at past midnight I-" Jungkook stopped talking when a voice interrupted.

"Kookie what going on... I'm scared." woonie said coming out of Jungkook's room and rubbing his eyes as tears rolled down his cheeks.

Jungkook ran to him picked him up on his hip and came back to the elder. "Apologizes now." he seethed, which to be honest scared the elder by his tone, and woonie kept sobbing on and on. Jungkook's eyes seemed to gloss over as well but didn't say anything.

"I know you have no respect to me but at least have respect to woonie I can't see him crying it breaks my heart." Jungkook let down a tear that made the elder feel really guilty.

"I-I'm so sorry woonie for scaring you." he apologized to woonie leaning down to him.

"Really?" woonie asked with his cute large eyes.

"Yeah and I'll get you so many toys, okay" Taehyung said trying to convince him.

"Okay Tata!" woonie hugged Taehyung neck, the way he said Tata melted the elder's heart.

Jungkook seemed happy that the elder apologized and turned to leave with woonie but the elder stopped him.

"Jungkook I'm... sorry I never meant to scare woonie." he put his hands through his hair frustrated.

"I'm glad." with that Jungkook left into his room, the elder went into his and laid down on his bed.

All he could think about is him, the boy that was the elder's angel his life and everything, but he ruined it all and the elder became a devil.

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