Chapter 33

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"You did what?!" Lexi screamed getting up from the couch of our house. I could tell she was happy, Jeez I didn't know she would be jumping for joy. "Say it again, Just so I can remember this moment." 

"Ugh. IsaidIlovedhim." I mumbled really fast and low. 

"Huh?" she mimicked like she couldn't hear me by putting her hand behind her ear and leaning forward. I sat down on the loveseat and sighed.

"Imma hurt you if you make me say it again." I was joking but I looked at her through my eye lashes. Then I sighed and put my head in my hands. 

"Okay, Okay, no need to get hostile." she said and then plopped herself on the armchair next to me. Then we bothed had a short laugh.

"I don't know, I feel like I'm betraying myself somehow but I feel like I'm also rewarding myself, maybe this isn't such a good idea.. Maybe I got caught in the moment?" I lifted my head out of my hands.

"Did you have a good time?" Lexi asked,

"Yea, but-" I started but Lexi put her hand up to stop me.

"No buts, because I know that if you say anything else other than yes you're gunna go all mopy on me. If you had a good time, then that is step one." she said all Einstein like. With her finger pointing up and a guy mimicked voice.

"How many steps are there?!?!" I asked sitting up straight and glancing to the side of me and then back at Lexi. There are steps? How come I don't know about this? Omg, Is there a book? I can just see a book title 'Steps on Relationships'.

"The way I see it. There are numerous steps. Step one: Meeting the person." Lexi started counting off with her fingers. 

"Obviously" I said with a straight face and she gave me an evil one for interupting her. I put my hands up in surrender waiting for her to continue. 

"Anyway! before I was meanly interuppted!" she gaved me a pointed look. "Step two: asking them questions." I was about to interrupt again with a 'duh' but she went all 'Don't you dare!' on me.

"Step three: In werewolf anyway, Moving in." She touched her third finger. My eyes widened.

"Step four: Once you move in you have more privacy, that way you two can have Se-" she pointed to her fourth finger.

"Wow! PG please. I don't even wanna think about it. Well, I do.. No! I don't!" Ugh. I'm so confused.. 

"Hehe!" Lexi laughed, I personally thinks she laughs like a hyena but that's the sound she makes. 

"Change of subject! When exactly is Spike and Gabrielle's wedding?" I asked, maybe I could avoid Darius till then?

"Umm, I believe it's on February fourteenth?" She checked the schedule on her phone.

"Valentine's Day? That's cliche." I laughed, I'm sorry but I would rather have a wedding in December or something I would want a White Christmas type of wedding. What can I say? I like the snow.

"Yea, it's expected. Spike always wanted one on Valentine's Day." Lexi said and looked at her hands, now I feel selfish. I've been freaking out over Darius and Lexi is stuck in this impossible situation. If only the jackass stayed a little longer to see Lexi slap the crud out of him..

"I'm fine with it, they are mates they were meant to be together. Besides, I'm actually a little bit happier with Jack than I was with Spike. It's meant to be when I'm with Jack." She said happier at the thought of Jack. 

"I still think Spike is a non-PG person." I said, Incase you are wondering. We don't use curse words because Hannah has remarkable hearing, even for a wolf. It's freaky.

"Yea, me thinks that too!" We both laughed.

"So. How did it go with Jack?!" I asked and moved to sit on the armrest of the armchair so she could whisper it too me, I didn't feel like mind-communication it can be a real pain in the head.


"It was nice." and it was. 


Hey Guys! Flashback is on next chapter I just did a filler chapter for you viewers. A little Lexi/Jamie humor! I'm going to sleep favorite people in the world! Nights <3

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