Chapter 2

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Present Day

So from that moment on Honey bee and I have been on our own. Currently we are residing in a not-so-fancy apartment and I know what you're thinking 'If you're a millionaire why don't you buy a fancy one?' Well, to answer your question. 

Rogues don't stay in one place to long because of complications. You know. Lone wolves, Packs, Alphas, etc. Plus, Honey bee's boy toy travels way too much around the country so we find ourselves traveling alot. If it wasn't for Lexi being somewhat happy with him I wouldn't be taking her to every state in the continental U.S and trust me all fifty states weren't on my bucketlist.

This next trip I dreaded. It was too close to my former pack's territory and I was too nervous about traveling that close.. Luckily though I found a longer but mentally easier route around the territory and I really hope nothin bad happens to the highway or we are screwed, and not in the good way. 

I decided to relax and take a load off by plopping myself on the couch and turning on the T.V. No, i'm not a couch potato, In fact i'm the exact opposite. I work out regularly and i'm as skinny as a model, I like it that way. I never get a guy for long, I'm more of a tease I make them think they like me then break their hearts. I know I'm b!tchy but my rogue wolf seems to enjoy it.

I stop on channel ten news and listen intently as the broadcaster gives out a special news report.

Breaking news! Highway seven is shut down due to a major oil carrier tip over off the side of the road. Highway seven will be closed until tomorow evening, Thank you and now back to regularly scheduled broadcasting.

"Sh!t!" I yelled tossing the remote at the T.V causing in to rip a hole right through it. Jeez, I need to watch my strength.. This really sucks! Lexi comes running in.

"Wow! wow what happened?" she said looking at the T.V shocked. 

"I know! I know. I'll-"

"Dam, I was gunna watch Vampire Diaries" We both looked at each other and laughed our as$es off.

"You actually watch that? Vampires rarely fall in love and there is no such thing as a ring to protect them from the sun."

"Oh I know I just think Ian Somerhalder is hot!" she smiled her 'innocent' smile at me.

"Mhmm" I raised an eyebrow at her.

"I have a question though. How do you think a Vampire would be in bed?" Wait what? Why is she asking me this!

"You know I really don't know, and I really don't wanna know. Ever. But yea we are totally screwed."

"Whatever I was just asking" She leans against the wall with her foot up against it. "So why are we ' totally screwed '? "

"Well, There's a little complication to our plan.. We can't go.."

"What?! Why?! Jax is gunna be so mad!" she gave me her best puppy dog face. Which by the way, Her complexion has cleared up wonders and she's as beautiful as ever. 

"Because highway seven is shut down and their is an oil spill, It won't be open till tomorow night and I know we were supposed to be there by tomorow night, the only other way through-" she sighed and intrupted me.

"I know" A tear escaped her eyes and my heart just dropped to my stomach. "I'll call him and tell him I can't make it.." Aww now I feel really bad. She started to dial Jax's number from her phone.

"Alright! Alright!" I grabbed the phone from her and hung it up tossing it back to her.

"Really?! We are still gonna go?!?!" she started jumping up and down spinning in circles, I just sighed put one hand in my leather jacket pocket and another on the bridge of my nose deep in thought. Honey bee can be such a five year old sometimes. I feel like if I don't help her across the street she'll get hit by a bus and that's with wolf senses! 

"I'm gunna go pack now!" She said as she finally stopped spinning and ran to her room. This is really gunna suck as$. I really hope we don't run into Darius and his effing pack, after all, we were banished but I promise If we do I'm gunna make them feel like shi!t.

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