Chapter 4

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Honestly? There is only so much somebody can take! After giving countless threats to Jax and telling him he's a d!ck Darius has the nerve to ask me to move back in?! How many people are looking to piss me off today! Honesty I was shocked.

"Excuse me? Did I just hear you right?" I asked glancing at Lexi who was staring wide eyed at Darius and looking between both of us.

"Yes, I asked you to come back in with us." You're joking? What is this?! Mock the she-wolf day? 

"You're a f*cking- "

'Wait!' I looked at my Honey bee who's voice rang in my head.

'Seriously? You can't be considering-"

'Think about it-"

"I am and I don't like it one bit! They never treated us right and I'm not looking forward to being in this pack again. They are only asking because we look different Lexi I don't want you getting hurt." 

Darius pipped in as if reading our minds and seeing our nervousness. "There is a house that is a couple yards from the pack house that we built last year for permanent guests or anybody in need of a place to stay, You can stay there you won't be considered part of the pack. Not yet anyway." He then turned and gestured inside so we can make up our minds. Unfortunately something was telling me I didn't have a choice and I was fighting my wolf who decided to go all mushy and wanted to stay. I didn't like the last part 'not yet anyway' I hope he means not ever.

Lexi just looked at me, and I sighed and got in the drivers seat telling her to shut her door and me too. I turned to her.

"You really want to stay?" I asked cautiously.

"Yes, Think about it though, If they have changed maybe they can accept us they looked sad!" I sighed and put my hands on the steering wheel straight ahead. "No more wondering, no more worring about other Packs! I get to meet a little sister I never knew I had and possibly save her from going through what I did.." and there it was. The reason she wanted to stay. Her sister.. 

I knew I had to do it for her. G0d I can't believe i'm doing this! Living with the people i've despised all these years. I know they didn't really want us. They probably only wanted us because we have inside information on rogues which makes sense but I don't think I'm gonna let any of them get close to Lexi till they earn my trust. 

"Alright but on one condition! You need to stay away from Jack. I know the pull will be unbearable I get that I really truely do. But as of right now I wouldn't even trust their pet squirrel if they had one. Understood?"  she beamed.

"Yupp" I shook my head and drove down the driveway to the house they talked about.

It was huge! Not as big as the pack house but big! There was stone everywhere with a lit up walkway and everything you could need and it was dark but light at the same time, strangely reminding me of Darius who was the designer probably since he was the Alpha. We settled inside for a while and it was aroung nine when there was a knock on the door and I opened it to see Jack standing there. I let out a growl and Lexi who was in the living room ran up to her room where I told her to stay till it was safe through our mind link.

Jack put up his hand in surrender. "No sweat sis! I'm not here to hurt you." I narrowed my eyes and stepped outside closing the door behind me causing Jack to step back. 

"I'm not your sister! My sister is in this house and she's my only one. What do you want? Or should I say what does your 'Alpha' want?" I crossed my arms.

"Him and our- the pack are inside having dinner he wants you and Lexi to join.." I look at him for a long time and laugh.

"So he sent you? Of course." I scoffed. "Fine, I'll be there to see what he wants but i'm not staying and Lexi is not coming." He seemed disappointed "Oh don't you worry Jack you broke her heart enough for one lifetime." I fake smiled.

From Rejected to RogueOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora