Chapter 40

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"Ugh!" I sighed as I rested my forehead on the dining room table, the new one anyway. It was a glass one that you could see through and it was cold, it felt amazing; so I guess you could say I'm looking at my feet right now. I yelped when Hannah's head of strawberry-blonde hair looked at me through the glass. I clutched my chest.

"God Hannah! you sure know how to give me a heartattack, I can be fragile.." I mumbled at the end as I watched her crawl out from the table and sit on the chair in front of me, she folded her arms and leaned back in the chair glaring at me.

"When am I going to have cousins?, I prefer a girl." she said calmly, I looked at her with wide eyes; am I being pranked? I looked around for any sign of Lexi but I didn't see her. Fine, okay; I know I'm being pranked.

"How old are you again?" I asked as I mimicked her posture and leaned back in the chair as well.

((A/N: I can't remember for the life of me how old I made Hannah the first time so let's just say she is seven? Feel free to let me know and I'll fix it.))

"I'm seven." she said as she stuck up her nose and turned her head away from me. "My own auntie doesn't know my age, preposterous!" she said as she shook her head at me.

"Do you even know what that word means?" I asked, I barely even know what it means.

"No, but sissy uses it all the time so I figured it means something." she shrugged and I gave her a puzzled look, this girl is an evil version of Lexi.

"To answer your question I have no clue when I'm having a kid, and chances are it's going to be a boy anyway since the Alpha gene." I said and she nodded. 

"Cool, so I have a question of my own. Now that we are on the same page and in the same general area." Hannah stated as her little body leaned forward and folded her hands on the table, her hair reached to her butt so she flicked her hair back to behind her. I leaned forward again, mimicking her actions; I was finding this kind of fun actually.

"Shoot." I said, I'm afraid of her question.

"Where do babies come from?" she asked sincerely, oh you have GOT to be kidding me! this has to be a joke? I laughed in spite of myself but when I saw her face I shook my head.

"You can't be serious?" I asked, I sighed when she pouted. "I don't think this is a conversation I can explain, especially to a seven year old.." I trailed off when her lips started trembling. damn it! that always gets me.

"But-but" I heard her whisper and then she pulled the 'puppy face'

"Aww alright! What do you want to know?" I asked as I leaned forward and place my forehead on the table again. I enjoyed the coolness on my forehead since it was blazing hot outside.

"Where are the babies in the mommy?" Hannah asked. I peaked my eye out as I noticed movement from the screen door that leaded outside, I knew it was a trick.

"The womb." I said then I rested my chin on my hand and twirled my pencil next to a bunch of paperwork, unfortunately I'm considered 'Luna' or some shiz now that I fully mated with the very hot Alpha. 

"How about the daddy?" she asked, I almost laughed when I heard shushed whispers from the other side of the door.

"Well, the daddy takes his dic-" I started to say but was cut short when I heard Lexi scream my name.

"Jamie! Why would you tell her that?!" Lexi came in and covered Hannah's ears and started scoulding me. 

"I didn't say the full thing! and Ha! I knew you were hiding!" I pointed an accusing finger at her, she just blushed and told Hannah to go play with her friends.

"You almost told her the 'd' word!" she shook her head at me trying, unsuccessfully, to keep a smile off her face. I noticed Darius and Jack looking at us from the far wall and laughing.

"Okay yeah, but I was going to explain to her that the mom's the oven, the babie's the bread, and the dad's the cook!" I raised my hands in mock surrender and we all fell into silence, that is until Darius and Jack fell to the ground in a fit of laughter; it was contagious so we all started laughing.

"Alright Lexi, how about we leave Jamie alone? she might end up being fragile for the next couple of months." Darius said as he made his way to me and put his ear against my stomach, apparently male wolves can hear their baby's heartbeat before the mother even knows about the baby.

I rolled my eyes for two reasons:

1) I was in a chair, it was very uncomfortable.

2) Lexi's shocked look, obviously she didn't feel the house shake..Or maybe she wasn't in the house, hmm..

"Why do you have that shocked expression on your face? You must have felt the house shaking?" I smirked, busted.

"Uh, of course, of course! I just thought it was new members from the pack that transfered from Spike and Gab's pack." I shook my head at her and gave her a pointed look, I heard Jack growl menacingly so I took my pencil and threw it at his head; it landed in the wall, and when I mean in the wall I do mean IN the wall, as in the pencil was out of sight. Jack put his hands up in surrender, he will always be afraid of me; even though I don't mind that. 

Darius POV

I know I heard a heartbeat, I don't want to tell my Jamie yet though.. I heard a heartbeart but something was off about it. I can't put my finger on it! Ugh! What good am I as an Alpha if I can't tell what the hell is in my mate's stomach. 

I rubbed my temples, son of a bitch. I jolted when I heard a knock on my door, my senses are weaker. I need to train, alot; I need to protect my mate and my impending child..

"Come in" I groaned as Jack entered the room.

"Alright." Jack said as he leaned against the opposite wall, "We had a great laugh downstairs, but I know that look in your eye when something is wrong. You have that look." He pointed at me accusingly, I growled and started pacing. 

"If I tell you this you have to swear to me you will not tell Lexi, because we both know Lexi will tell Jamie and If she doesn't Jamie will sense she knows something and she'll do that creepy 'You can't hide, I know you like an open book' shit." I rambled. Jack rolled his eyes and waved for me to continue.

"Okay, Jamie's pregnant."

DUM.DUM.DUM! Hey Guys, I managed to get on a computer and now I'm updating; Sadly, I might get a few details wrong but I'll try my best. It sucks partially not keeping pace with your own story..So, like the cliff hanger? It's ok, I Know you don't :P

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