Chapter 41

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"What?! congratulations, sweet imma be an uncle!" Jack fist pumped the air.

"No! not 'sweet'. The baby, or whatever sounds different..there is more than one heartbeat. Is that even possible?." I asked, turning to my bestfriend and beta for guidance. All I got in return was an 'Are you serious?' look.

"Have you ever thought that - oh, I don't know - you could be having twins?" he shrugged and rolled his eyes. Okay, no I never thought of that..

"Oh, I'm a moron." I stated and facepalmed myself.

"Hey, you said it not me. Besides, you're not a moron, just..stressed. Both of us are, personally I haven't come to terms with them forgiving us. A part of me feels like when I wake up every morning this whole thing would've been a dream and Lexi would be gone." He grunted and sat down next to me. 

But, what if it wasn't twins? What if it was something else? the annoying yet disturbing thought drifted through my mind like the wind during summer. 

"Jack, I'm asking this as my friend, not as my Beta. What if- What if what I'm sensing isn't twins..what if it's something..bad?" I whispered and shrugged, I looked over at Jack who just shrugged back. Thanks for the advice, bro.

"Look at it like this: You rejected Jamie, but you made up for it in anyway possible, yes you will probably kissing the ground she walks on for the rest of your life like I will; but maybe, the gods gave you this- this gift, that Jamie might be carrying. Of course, I have a wild imagination, so I might just be hoping for something awesome. Are you gonna tell her?" Jack shifted so her was facing me. 

"No, someone once told me that it's best for Jamie to find out things on her own. She doesn't like being told things, she needs to find out herself." I chuckled, the complete opposite of anyone I've ever known. That's why she is mine..

"Chicks, completely confusing. Who told you that?" Jack asked, I gave him a pointed look. 

"Who do you think?" I laughed and shook my head, poor Lexi will have alot to deal with - with this one.

"Ah, that mate of mine." Jack laughed and slapped my shoulder, "speaking of my mate, I got to do my own house-shaking." He gave me a thumbs-up then ran out of the room.

"Ah, dude! Too much!" I shivered and covered my ears and eyes. Ugh, the image! I shook my head and walked out of my room just to run smack-dab into Jack. 

"Dude-" I began but he covered my mouth with his hand and dragged me around a corner and put a finger over his lips. I nodded.

"Shh, I wasn't supposed to tell you! I just overheard, you crazy-lady!" Lexi whisper-yelled at someone, then I heard the melodic voice of my mate. I could just imagine her pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Great, so I'm either prego with twins or am carrying a ninja turtle baby. Perfect.I heard the annoyance and suspicion laced in her voice.

Uh oh..

-Jamie's POV-

(5 minutes earlier)

As usual, I was sitting at the dining room table; I need an office, like really need one. I hardly concentrate with Hannah running around with her friends (which are mostly guys); Lexi is worried but I think it's normal, most of my friends now are guys..maybe that's why I feel nauseous? No, why would that make me nauseous. Holy crap! Why the hell am I nauseous?! 

"Jamie! I-" Lexi came charging into the dining hall, I raised a finger to pause her sentence. I groaned as I took my papers and neatly stacked them into a pile. 

"Yes? Why are you bouncing? Are you happy, wait are you pregnant? I'm gonna kill Jack-" I said as I rose from my seat and started to get that feeling saying: 'Lady, you is about to vomit' 

"No, but you are- oh shiz.." Lexi yelled as she ran over to retrieve the trash can and pushed it up to my face, at the exact time I vomited. "Ugh, gross.." she held her nose, but stopped joking when she saw me giving her my 'evil' face. 

"How do you - oh god. Darius?.. Darius?! Imma murder him, I'm going to cut of his werewolf tale and hang it in the yard like a yawn ornament so if any rogues see it they will be like: 'hey, mama wolf, run!' How could he not tell me?.. Lexi! I'm f_cking pregnant!"

"Wow, harsh. You are a scary pregnant lady. very scary." she laughed and shook her head, but you can see fear in her eyes. Oh? I scared her..

"Lexi!" I'm over it. "What do you know?" 

"Nothing-" I gave her the 'evil' look again "much." she finished. "Okay, I overheard our mates discussing your -" she gestured to my stomache.

"My-" I gestured to my stomach " baby, Lexi, it's a baby. right? Oh my god, is it a mutant? Nah, Omg I have a ninja turtle growing in my stomach. Do you think he will like ninja turtles?" I asked, I'm feeling kind of loopy.

Lexi gave me a: 'What the f_ck?' look and shook her head, "Are you feeling alright?" she checked my forehead, "Oh my god, Jamie you're burning up." 

"Oh hush, I need to talk to him, Darius? Yeah, his name is that. Woah, stars." I laughed as I poke Lexi's nose. Yupp, that is so a star. "Dari-" I started to yell before she covered my mouth.

"Shh, I wasn't supposed to tell you! I just overheard, you crazy-lady!" she whisper-yelled, right in my ear! I never realised she was so loud.

"Great, so I'm either prego with twins or am carrying a ninja turtle baby. Perfect." I said, annoyed. "Lexi, I - I don't feel like standing anymore..." I swayed to the right a little before a flash of fur broke through my vision and I fell on something soft before blacking out.

Hey guys! I know, I know I haven't updated recently but I've managed to make it to the library today. Also, do me a favor and check out my friend's new idea for a book, her name is ArtemisHope16. She is new to Wattpad, so I thought it would be a nice thought for her to be recommended properly, Thanks!

P.S the song is Joker by the Steve Miller Band, there is no reference to the chapter, I just liked the song. I hope you loved it!

From Rejected to RogueOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora