Chapter 44 ~The End~

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~...2 days later...

Darius's POV

"Wake up, wake up, please..." I was slouched over the edge of Jamie's bed, my face was pressed into her hand. It's only been a few days but any moment without her feels like a lifetime. 

"Darius, you have to get out of here, it's a beautiful day out, go for a run, do something! For the love of everything - Darius, you need to see your kids. You. Have. Kids. Take care of them." Lexi was lecturing from behind me, I took a deep breath.

"I know, I'm just worried. You know how the Alpha gene gets, all worry and protectiveness; I feel like I didn't protect her right." I seemed to sink even deeper into the covers of the hospital bed. 

"I'm worried too, she's my bestfriend and the only person I've ever looked up too. Darius, Jamie wouldn't want you to be here, she'd want you to take care of your kids, the doctor told me that any day now they will take her off and see what happens." Jamie lightly squeezed my shoulder in reassurance. 

"You're an amazing person, ya know? I'm glad Jack has you, I think maturity would be good for him." I nodded, and looked back at her; I put my hand over hers on my shoulder and squeezed back gently. "Thanks." 

"No problem, after all I do make a great godmother." Lexi chuckled and helped me out of the chair, sitting for a good part of two days can really put your legs to sleep; I hated the tingling sensations.

"Alright, I'll go see Kyle and... hmm, I like the name Diana. What do you think? I think Jamie would love it." I asked Lexi who sat in my chair, or erm, the hospital's chair. 

"Diana, I like it. It sounds firm and peaceful. Oh, I'm so excited for the future!" Lexi clapped happily, I shook my head laughing. 

 They looked so adorable, cute. God, I'm thinking like a girl! When did I become so sappy?! I raised my eyebrows and looked at my children on the other side of the glass window. 

"Your loved, you know. Your mother and I love you so much, she will be very happy to see you when she wakes up." I talked through the glass window.

"Um, excuse me, sir? Are you in need of assistance - " I turned around to look at the familiar nurse who delivered the news of my fiance. "Oh, Alpha Darius!" the nurse squeaked,

"Here, how about this? No formailities, your taking care of my fiance, the least I can allow is a first name basis." I extended my hand "My name is Darius Brown, and what's yours?"

The nurse smiled kindly and shook my hand, "Sandy Harris, so are you ready to see your children?" Sandy gestured to the nursery door.

"I am, but I don't want to hold them or anything until Jamie is awake." I put on the protective gear and gloves.

"I understand." Sandy said and gestured to Kyle and Diana, I smiled and gently touched Diana's hand.

I'll protect you. A familiar voice, and a virtually nonexistent one whispered in my head.

About time you talked to me, after all this time. I talked back, I felt a sense of mutual understanding between us now.

Yes, but let's not talk about it now. My wolf answered me back.

I mentally rolled my eyes and walked over to my son, I ran my fingers over his tiny hands and felt the flow of acceptance from my wolf flow into him. The future Alpha.

... 4 days later ...

"Ye-yes, of course doctor." Sandy talked into the walkie and turned towards us. "Jamie is fine, the doctors successfully pulled her out of the coma." She looked around at the five of us: Lexi, Jack, Spike, Gabrielle and I. Sandy turned towards me,

"You can see her now." Sandy smiled at me, I didn't respond I just ran to her hospital room. I threw open the door and ran to her, I grabbed her in a bear hug and squeezed her, gently.

"Darius!" Jamie laughed, I missed her laugh.

"Jamie, I love you so much! I want to get married soon. Marry me? Please! I can't bare life without you..." I breathed.

Jamie smiled and caressed my cheek, "How could I say no?"

Jamie's POV

"They're beautiful, Darius." I smiled down at the bundle in her arms, I couldn't be any happier.

"You did good." Darius smiled at me as he held the pink blanket and I got the blue.

"We did good." I corrected.

"Yes, I've noticed!" The maid came by the living room and gave Darius the evil eye before heading upstairs mumbling in Spanish.

I laughed at him, Darius turned beat red.

I carried Kyle to him and cuddled into my fiance's side, I looked up at him and gave him a gentle kiss on the lips. Who would have thought the wild and reckless Jamie could be like this?

"After all that we've been through, I'm glad we are like this now. I couldn't imagine still being the way I was, I'm glad we are together. I love you so very much, we have a family now; I can't imagine anything better."

Darius kissed me back hard, "Jack, you get back here and help me cook dinner! Now!" Lexi yelled in the background, I heard Jack's laughter and the feel of the air whoosh past me; I laughed into the kiss.

Life is perfect now. I have my bestfriend, my brother, my sister and my mate; I was a reject and I was rejected, I was alone and a rogue and now I'm accepted, a mother and most of all? I'm happy, something I thought I would never be. Looks like I was wrong,

Shocking right? 

I want to say thank you for all the support I've gotten and I hope you've enjoyed my first ever finished story on Wattpad! Thanks, this is the end! Stay tuned for a sequel :)

~Liz <3

From Rejected to RogueHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin