Chapter 12

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Hey guys! The story is mostly in Jamie's P.O.V but I will occasionally put Lexi, Darius, Jack and Gabrielle's P.O.V in there as well, I'm gonna stop talking now! :D Enjoy!


As soon as I pulled up at the 'Edison and Cloth's Real Estate' company Lexi's eyes lite up like a kid on christmas day and she pulled off her hoodie, fixed her hair and skipped to the entrance. Me? I was watching her in amazement and I was happy that, for now, all thoughts of Jack just slipped her mind.

"Well come on! Are we gonna get a house or not?!" she yelled and I just laughed climbing out of the Lamborghini.

We entered and nobody was really in the lobby except for a desk lady answering phone calls and setting up meetings. I guess they get more in-direct sales than they do direct ones?

She looked up at me as I approached her desk and Lexi sat down in one of the lobby chairs admiring the furniture which looked antique. 

"How may I help you?" The desk lady asked,

"I'm looking for a house for me and my friend." I told her, She looked utterly shocked.

"Umm, Are you twenty?" She asked.

"No, I'm eighteen why?" I asked, why did it matter? You had to be eighteen or older to live on your own right?

"We have to sell to a parent or guardian or somebody over the age of nineteen and you are neither." She said in a snippy tone. "Come back with a parent." 

"My parent's are dead." She looked up at me looking sad but then composed 

"I'm sorry we can't sell to you." I narrowed my eyes and then a voice cut in.

"Martha! That's no way to talk to a buyer!" A man looking around the age of twenty-one cut in glaring at the desk clerk who looked down ashamed.  "If her parent's passed then I will allow her to buy herself and the angel sitting over there a house." He addressed me and Lexi and his eyes lingered on Lexi for a little bit.

I haven't noticed before but he smells like.. wolf. I immediately tensed, I had no clue a pack lived north of us and so close. He must have realised what I was because he looked between Lexi and I suspiciously too.. great, today just keeps getting better and better.

"Well, then. Why don't we show you and your friend here a house?" He said as calmly as possible even though I knew there was a hidden meaning like 'Come and I'll let you explain yourself before I decide to kill you' So I just nodded.

When we were safely in the model of a trailer home he turned to us with all seriousness while I put myself in front of Lexi protectively.

"I'm not gonna hurt you, I would like to know what you're doing here. I think a future Alpha has the right to know these things." I felt like I could trust him so I told him everything leading up to coming here.

"Well, he's an as$hole, Excuse my language." He said, I smirked. He's cool.

"None taken, so are you gonna show us around and tell us your name?" I asked politely.

"Oh yes, my name is Spike and this home is one of our newest editions. A 2011 Log Paradise, that's what we call it." He said gesturing to himself and the house.

"Well Spike, It's not up to me I only have the money. Lexi here is the one with the taste." I pointed to Lexi "You have to woo her. I could care less." He just looked at Lexi and extended his hand.

"Shall we?" he asked. Lexi just blushed.

"We shall." 

After hours of looking at houses Lexi finally picked one that she thought was perfect and they even customized it for us, well should I say, for her.

"Sign here, here and there." Spike said pointing all over the contract. I finished signing and gestured for Lexi to come over.

"Come here beautiful, Sign your name next to Jamie's signature." Yes, he learned my name during the hours and hours of house shopping, I looked over at the clock on the wall and it read 6:00?!?! H0ly mother of all things living!

"I feel like I'm signing my soul to the devil." Lexi laughed. 

"I'm not that evil Love." Spike assured her, She just smiled. 

I looked over at Spike who caught my eye and nudged his head to the door and I stood there for a minute then my eyes widened and I knew what he meant.

"Oh! Okay! Well, I'm gunna wait for you to finish up Lexi. In the car, I'll be chillaxing in the car. Nice meeting you Spike!" I called out running to the car. I got in the driver's seat and felt like a little kid. Spike is gonna ask Lexi on a date! Ohh I'm so excited! 

I sat there for fifteen minutes until they both came out of the entrance and Spike slipped something into her hand and kissed her forehead, Awww. She was smiling like crazy walking down the steps and they waved one last time and he went in and Lexi ran to the car jumping up and down. She slid in and wacked me across the head.

"Ow!" I said, Jeez she has a strong back hand.

" 'Waiting in the car' my astral as$! You knew didn't you?!" She acussed.

"You have an astral as$?" I asked hoping she wouldn't catch on to me ignoring her question, didn't work.

"Don't change the subject!" she yelled.

"Okay! Okay! I knew!" I put my hands up in surrender. 

"Good you admitted it!" She huffs and leans back as I pull out of the parking lot.

She just talks all the way back to the house about how excited she is about him asking her out on a date and I'm just smiling the whole time. We stopped by the diner to get dinner before we went all the way back to the house.

We pulled up and Darius was waiting on the step of the pack house for us, He started walking to us when we pulled up. I handed Lexi the keys to the house.

"Lexi go inside, don't let anybody in excpet for me." She nodded and ran in the house, I heard it lock.

'What do you want Darius?" I asked approaching him. "I don't want to talk about-"

"That's not what this is about.." he said in a sad tone.

"What is it about?" I asked not believing him.

"It's about Lexi.." He said slowly.

"What about Lexi?!" I asked starting to get angry.

"Lexi's parents.. Lexi's parents are dead.." 


Hi again! xD Sorry for the cliff hanger lol oh by the way! The picture on the side is of the house Lexi picked out.

So, What do you think? Team Jack or Team Spike? Hmmm..

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