Chapter 13

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"Dead? How?!" I was freaking out! How do I tell Lexi?! What about Hannah?! 

((A/N: Just incase you forgot Hannah is Lexi's little sister.))

"While you were.. gone. Rogues attacked but only managed to kill Lexi's parents, nobody else." Darius said.

Well, this is just peachy. How many things can happen in a span of twenty-four hours? I mean honestly! 1) Lexi and I's so called 'mates' turn out to be even more of as$holes then we thought possible. 2) We decide to move as far away from the center of h3ll, the pack house, as we can. 3) Lexi meets Spike, I mean that's not a bad thing but still.. It's ALOT to process you know!

"I-I I don't even know how to BEGIN to tell Lexi this!" I half yelled and half whispered.

"Well I can't very well tell her I'M not allowed near her remember?" Ooo he was just GIVING me a reason to kick his as$!

"Darius. I'm warning you, I'm NOT in the mood to joke-" I warned.

"I know! I'm sorry.." He put his hands up in surrender. "I'm simply telling you that informing Lexi about her parent's demise is your problem. I have to think of Hannah right now and where exactly I'm gonna place her. She can't stay-" 

"Like h3ll she can't stay here!" A new but familiar voice yelled from behind us, Lexi.

I exhaled deeply and closed my eyes waiting for a breakdown.. that.. never came? I turned to look at Lexi and she had her hands on her hips with tears forming in her eyes.

"Oh, Honey bee.." I said gently "Don't cry" she put her hand up to stop me.

"Trust me Baby girl these-" she pointed to her eyes and then dropped her hand to her hips again "- are NOT tears of sympathy, these are tears of joy." 

Me and Darius looked at each other confused and then turned back to look at Lexi.

"What?!" We both said at the same time, I rolled my eyes at the coincidence and Darius smirked.

"It's simple, I don't feel anything towards their death except happiness that my sister won't have to go through the unnecessary crap I had to go through for sixteen years, I know it sounds mean but think about it! My dad sexually abused me my whole life and my mother made no attempt to stop him, I didn't see any sign of them doing that to Hannah but you never know they could of changed their minds? Therfore, I am happy I don't have to wake up in the middle of the night worring if my little sister is getting hurt so YES I am happy about this! Another thing. Hannah is staying with me and I will raise her! Now,-" she said in an innocent voice. "-I'm going to bed I will see you two tomorrow when I pick up my sister. Goodnight and don't let the bed bugs bite!" she smiled sweetly and skipped into the house.

Leaving Darius and I to just gape at her, I was used to it but yes I still was shocked. We must of stayed there for a good five minutes until we snapped out of it, and just looked at each other. Awkward...

"So.. I'll be getting to bed too, I'm guessing I'll see you tomorrow when Lexi comes to pick up her sister?" Darius asked breaking the silence.

"Uh, yeah, but you might want to get her stuff ready early tomorrow morning I doubt Lexi and I would want to stay there longer than we have too. Another thing Darius, The owner of the real estate company is the Alpha of the neighboring pack. We met his son today his name is Spike and her will be coming by tomorrow to help us build." I finished and he nodded, I have to admit he was good at controling his wolf. They usually don't like being commanded..

I was walking away to the house we were still living in when I decided to give Darius a fair warning. "Darius?" I asked he was still standing at the spot near my car pretending not to have been looking after me 

"Yeah?" he asked.

"Lexi really cares about Spike, If you had any care in the world and you DON'T wanna piss me off or possibly start a war with the neighboring pack I suggest you make sure not to harm Spike in any way, shape or form. Nighty night Darius!". I smiled shutting the door behind me and heading up to bed.


I layed there thinking about the day and life so far. Jack breaking my heart and Spike attempting to fix it sometime soon.. My parent's death. I really don't feel anything towards it, What I said to Jamie and Darius earlier was all true. I was extremely excited to have Hannah and get to know her but I feel bad for her in some ways. She had a different experience with my parents then I did so I will attend the funeral for her sake but not for mine, I'm not going to morn over my parents. They were never my family! Jamie was and I owe her my life ten thousand times over because she is everything to me and I know deep down she will take care of Hannah just as she has taken care of me. Jamie is my mother and my sister and I'd thank her for that everyday if I could.. although.. that would probably get annoying..

I rolled over onto my side and closed my eyes thinking of the day ahead and what will come of it. My last thought was


And then a dreamless sleep over came me.


I locked up the pack house like I do everynight before I go to bed with Jamie running through my head.. I wish I never said those things.. I wish I never ssid anything those years ago when I rejected her, I wish I had a dam time machine!

I made it to my room and layed down unable to sleep with all the thoughts of Jamie running through my head and of Hannah's well-being.

I just hope one day Jamie will forgive me, I really hope it's one day soon too. But if it's not? I'll wait..

Okay, ultimately! Who do you like better?

Jamie? or Lexi? 

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