Chapter 38

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The external link on the side is where Spike and Gabrielle went on their vacation (Tahiti) 

Quick, I need help! Does anybody remember if I gave Darius a last name? I completely forgot :/

Jamie's POV

"I knew it! I knew-what the hell just happened?" I asked as I looked over at Lexi and Jack - Jack was in the process of twirling Lexi in the air with her laughing then they leaned in for a kiss; completely oblivious to me standing there. I gave out a yelp as I was pulled back into the house by someone, instantly I knew it was Darius by the shocks on my waist; I rolled my eyes and punched him in the arm.

It's been two months since Spike and Gabrielle's wedding, not much has really changed between Darius and I; but everything is happening with everyone else apparently. I laughed as I looked beside me at Dana and Elijah staring out the window, Elijah was a New Yorker and Dana has a thick southern drawl but they were mates who arrived here a few days after the wedding just looking for a peaceful place to stay. I guess when they say opposites attract it's very true, but I didn't mind them; in fact, believe it or not, I made friends with Dana when she got here.

"So what just happened?" I asked as I moved closer to them and out of Darius's grip to look out the window, now Jack and Lexi was sitting at a table eating dinner; huh, that's weird.. there is roses eveywhere, and candles, a couple lights..No! I mentally facepalmed myself; I'm an idiot.

"Are they?.." I trailed off looking sideways at Dana who started jumping up and down excitedly and screaming, alot. 

"Engaged!!" Dana squealed like 'I squeal louder then a pig running from a hot poker' as she says. I had my arms crossed glaring at Jack but I instantly relaxed when Darius put his hand on my shoulder, laughing.

"What the hell? You people are dropping like flies! One sister gets married and now this! How am I supposed to deal with this? She wants me to be the wedding planner, Do you know how hard it is to make that crazy lady happy? I can't exactly rent out Ian Somerhalder can I? She loves the Vampire Dairies you know, she threatens me when I have the T.V on freaking thursdays! This is SO not cool on my blood pressure." I mumbled at the end after ranting only to find everybody in the room trying to hold in their laughter.

I turned to the doorway when my eye caught movement and noticed Lexi and Jack trying to do the same, I was serious though! I can't handle weddings! I'm not a wedding lady, I'd kill someone first. 

"When you asked if I would be the wedding planner, I though you meant when I'm close to thirty! Not at my young and fragile age." I huffed at Lexi, I'm very emotional nowadays; I don't know why, It's not like I'm pregnant I haven't mated with Darius fully yet.

"Okay, you don't have to be the wedding planner.." Lexi smiled, I think part of her knew that if I was i'd most likely ruin her wedding. I opened my arms for her to give me a hug and she gladly enveloped me in a bear hug, I narrowed my eyes at Jack over her shoulder and I smirked when he gulped audibly; he was still scared of me but we both knew it was just playful and nothing serious.

"Just have Gabs do it, consider it payback for her wedding. Wait a minute, you're not getting married right away are you? Is Jack pressuring you if he is I could always rip of his-" I started pulling back from the hug and Lexi smiled.

"No! I'm not pressuring her, and it's not gonna be right away. Besides, I need those.." he slightly cringed and we all laughed. Lexi then returned to Jack's arms and smiled at him like they were the only two in the room, he returned the smile; good.

"So what did you come here ranting and raving about this time?" I heard Elijah's naturally husky voice ask from the table, I didn't even notice Dana and him sit down.

"Huh- Oh!" I screamed causing them all to jump, I gave a sheepish look and pulled out a postcard from Tahiti and flung it around wildly "I knew they would end up in Tahiti!" I exclaimed and they all laughed at my expense once again.

It was now late at night in the pack house, I stayed here more now then my own house; although I do miss my balcony and office.. As for Lexi, she stays at our house with Jack and Hannah; I don't see her twenty-four seven but that doesn't mean by any means that we aren't around each other 'cause I see her everyday; I have a job still but I never go there so I'm going to quit in a few days. Life has been stressful but.. it's different now.

"Hey babe?" I completely forgot I was on the balcony wraped in a blanket to protect me from the cold November wind when I heard Darius's voice, I took one last look at the moon then shut the balcony doors as I entered the room.

"Yes?" I asked as I took off the blanket and started to fold it up, he still didn't answer me while I put the now folded up blanket back in the closet from where it came. I looked over at him and I could sense worry and nervousness seeping through the bond as I watched him sitting on our bed with his head in his hands. 

"I need to talk to you." He said and that's where I got nervous.

Darius's POV

 I was nervous, what if I ask the wrong things? I mean, given our past it wouldn't surprise me if she runs for the hills; not that I would ever let her, but still..

"Is something wrong?" she asked as she took my hand and sat on the bed next to me. I looked her over and smiled, she has changed since she came back; I love it, she is less cruel and more my old Jamie. Not that I don't find her anger sexy as hell, just not when I'm at the recieving end of the hangman's noose.

"Do you want kids?" I found myself asking abruptly. Great, good going genius.. I took in her puzzeled reaction and mentally scoulded myself.

"Of course I do, why do you ask?" she said cautiously as if looking for a reason for my question.

"I want kids." I stated, how am I supposed to approach this? I rage quitted myself and started pacing the room; I do that alot now.

"Okay? I don't-Oh.." she said as her eyes widened when she realized I meant sooner rather than later, I saw that she was unsure. "You mean now? as in soon?" she questioned as she sighed and started playing with her fingers. I sat down next to her and took her hands.

"I want a girl, or a boy; I want a baby that looks just like us. I want to play sports with my son, maybe throw the football around a few times or if we have a daughter I get to scare off the boys at the door when she starts dating; I can even use my Alpha voice and you can videotape the reaction, It would be entertaining, I want something only we can give one another. I want a child with your eyes or your hair color, even your smile. I need one, I need you." I said with as much truth as I could muster.

I watched as her eyes scanned mine and then she started crying.

"Baby? please don't cry, I'm sorry; We don't have to have a child right now, or ever if you change your mind-" I was abruptly cut off from my apology when I felt her warm lips on mine.

"There is nothing..I would..want more than a child." she growled into my lips.



Okay guys, so I kind of think it is obvious that BOWCHICKABOWOW will happen pretty soon; so I'm going to put a simple non rated-r part for when that happens and then I will make a seperate thing titled 'Rated R Chapters' on my profile for those of you like me who like getting down and dirty with details. Also, I noticed that she never really changes into her wolf; some of you might have been wondering why? I will answer that soon but sadly I only see about ten more chapter left for this one and then I'll be writing a SEQUEL.

From Rejected to RogueTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon