Chapter 5

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We arrived back home shortly after eating to find the pack house in utter chaos, Lexi and I stepping out of the car to take in the panic, It's a nut house.

"Rogues!" An old man yelled, Jeez they forget about us already? That's insulting. 

"Hey!" I yelled, and turned to my side to find Lexi was gone. "Lexi?! Lexi!" I whirl around and see her light brown wolf growling at a man who had a little girl in his arms as a hostage. It was Lexi's sister..

In all my years of being a Rogue I never met this man, he must've been new because all he seemed to know how to do was hold the girl hostage. Idiot. 

I saw Lexi perfectly but the house was blocking my full vision, I heard Lexi whimper and look over at me just as a wolf attacked her pinning her to the ground. It was Jax, that motherf*cker! 

"No!" I growled in pure rage as Lexi lie still. Not moving just laying still as the blood flowed out of her side, half expecting somebody to help her but nobody did. I jumped midair and shifted to my jet black wolf and growled at the top of my lungs quieting everything. 

"You son-of-a-b!tch! I'm going to tear your throat out" I lunged for him pulling him down on his back pinning him, he threw me off flying me backwards, we went at it for a while. Me biting him and him biting me back, I was bigger in size and stronger but he was smaller and faster, ultimately strength won out and Jax lie still in his puddle of blood. 

I turned to the man holding Lexi captive in a state of shock, I growled at him nodding at Lexi's sister. Not knowing what to do he droped her and ran, fool. Lexi's sister was okay but Lexi was still, I couldn't shift in front of these wolves so I ran to the house and broke down the door. Pulling on a pair of sweat pants and a shirt as quickly as I could taking a sheet with me, I dropped down on my knees next to her.. She can't be dead! we've been through to much together, I can't lose her now! god, please no!

I put the sheet over her gently not to put unneccesary weight on her wound. I put her head in my lap and stroked the hair out of her face. The pack doctor came to her side looking at me castiously,

"What are you waiting for?! Christmas? or perhaps the Easter Bunny?!" I yelled fustrated at her, considering there is a dying Lexi on the ground right now kinda fueled that and this lady? NOT helping.

She quickly apologized and got to work, taking her two fingers and checking her pulse than leaning her face in front of her nose and she was still breathing. thank g0d! For some reason I knew that if Lexi had a last wish it would be two things

1) Going to Universal Studios 

2) Making sure her sister was okay

I turned my attention to Lexi's sister, who I still don't know the name of, and asked her if she was alright she said yes but was still a little shaken.

"What's your name?" I decided to ask her

"H-Hannah, My name is Hannah" she replied a little shaken, Her gaze landed on Lexi, She didn't need to see this..

"Please, go over to your Alpha." I sighed and she nodded running over to Darius. I looked at Lexi and silently encouraged her to be okay, 

"I need her to shift into human form." The doc told me and I sighed I don't know if she will do that for me, She needed somebody her wolf would- Jack! I looked at Jack and stared him down. He returned it and seemed to know what I wanted.

"I-I.." He looked around. 

"I could care less you little prick! You denied her already! What's next huh? Watching her DIE! She was- Is. The only good thing in my life and If you don't care about me but value your own life your sorry as$ Is going to get down here and make her shift g0d dam it!" He looked at me shocked and then nodded, kneeling down on the opposite side of the doc, I watched him carefully.

He touched her cheek and pulled back quickly looking at Trish who was holding her hand over her stomach looking at Jack and nodded reasuring him that he can do this. Now I know why he loves her.. He just smiled turning his attention to Lexi.

"Lexi, shift, please shift." Nothing.

"Lexi shift.." Nothing, worry was evident in his voice, then something clicked. Maybe, her wolf diesn't trust him, so maybe if I join with him his power mixed with her trust for me can get her to shift. 

"Take my hand Jack." He looked at me seeming to understand, "Let your power radiate around you so I can use it." He nodded.

"Lexi, Honey bee? It's me. Shift please." Nothing, the blood was still coming out and the doc started to look really worried. Why isn't it working?..

Wait a minute?! I'm not a nice person!

"Lexi! SHIFT NOW OR I SWEAR I'll-" crack her bones snapping as she shifted I just laughed, That's my girl!

I picked her up and followed the doc to the medical room in the pack house.


Hey Guys! Sorry It's short! I hope you like the twist! I mean Jax attacking Lexi? o.o uh oh

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