Chapter 36

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*Sexualized content in this scene, I don't make rated R extra things because that is just a waste of time for me. lol* 

P.S the video on the side is a lyrics video I made on my Youtube account for Dolly Parton's 'Hard Candy Christmas' ( it reminds me of Darius and Jamie) and whoever finds me first at 'lizzycassady01' and subscribes I will dedicate the next chapter to you if you message me who you are on Wattpad; also, if  anyone of you want a video for a song let me know and I will make one 'cause my life is that boring that it consists of Youtube and Wattpad.

(Sorry for any errors in the chapter I need to edit)

Anyways! onward with the chapter!


Darius's POV

"Mhmm, I wouldn't do that If I were you." I laughed nervously and gulped when she came out of bed in just a T-shirt, where did her shorts go? Oh shit.

The first time you sleep in bed with your mate, the female goes into heat. My wolf whispered in my head and laughed when my eyes widened. Double 'Oh shit' 

Great, soo what the hell do I do?! I panicked in my head and snapped back to reality when I noticed Jamie in front of me biting her lip and trailing a finger down my abs to the top of my towel.

Hmm, Well, let us think about this dumbass! Duh, the same thing you did when you broke the freaking dining room table would do greatly; I don't mind. My wolf said sarcastically.

Thanks, you are a huge help; I just don't think it is an awesome idea to mate with our mate when she is obviously not herself. I replied logically; I snapped back to reality as Jamie started sucking on my neck. Damn! It's hard to pay attention when arguing with a voice in your head.

Ugh..I suppose you are right. My wolf sighed and I shut him off for the moment, I took in Jamie's appearance to notice she was sweating uncontrollably; another condition of being in heat.

"I like your size." Jamie whispered in my ear and then I noticed my legs were cold and she was touching my shaft, Oh crap.

"L-Listen Jamie, you are not yourself okay? You are in heat; We can't do anything you will kill me for later, I'm way to young to die." I gulped as I backed off from her, I almost didn't as she turned sad..then pissed; mood swings.

"You don't want me?! What am I not good enough for you. huh?" she yelled as she put her hands on her hips.

"No; of course not babe." I pleaded as I kept backing away; being an Alpha I'm not afraid of most things but my mate sure can be a little spitfire. I sighed as a tear rolled down her cheek and she sat criss-cross applesauce on the floor, I managed to pick her up and move her to the bed as I layed down with her.

"Thank you." she said as her voice returned to normal Jamie, for now just being close to me will stop her heat "I completely forgot about this part of the mating." She sighed as she snuggled to me then my eyes widened as I realized I was still in my birthday suit and she blushed.

"It's okay to get dressed if you want, I won't get mad; but if you don't I won't mind either." she flirted and she was damn good at it as my member got hard. I stumbled over what to say and she chuckled, then she got up much to my distaste and grabbed a pair of boxers from my third drawer.

I know, third drawer? usually it's the first or second but I guess I am weird that way.

"How did you-" I cut myself off as I remembered what she used to be and mentally cursed myself as well.

Good going hotshot.. My wolf muttered sarcastically

Shut up I scolded.

Bite me bitch. My wolf laughed at his joke, yeah 'female dog' get it?

I tuned him out as she responded and finished my question.

"How did I know where you kept your underwear?" She laughed humorlessly then tossed the boxers to me as I caught them and put them on she wondered around my room.

"It's funny, most people rearrange their room over a span of three years; but you are weird that way." she stopped by my shelves of trophies. "I used to polish these every other day; Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. I used to curse you under my breath as I went through them one by one but I did my best knowing that you would probably beat me if there was dust on them..somewhere inside me though I felt pride, I guess I somehow knew you were gonna be my mate just by the way I felt a pull towards you but I assumed everyone felt that. You know, being a rogue really changes people; sometimes I wonder though what would happen if I didn't run away-" She started getting more said by tht second.

"You would be dead, and so would I." I said standing up and walking to her only to stop by her side "Look at me." I made her look at me as I placed my finger under her chin. "I would have gone to far, I would have beat you to no return because I am stupid and a fucking retard..and just all the dumbass things rolled into one and I wish I could've killed myself back then to prevent you from turning into what you are now." I lowered my gaze as I turned around and threw my stupid lamp accross the room, Jamie didn't even flinch since she never got scared.

"Cold." she finished for me, describing herself.

"Cold." I confirmed and nodded.

We stood in silence for awhile, I could see her in my peripheral vision watching me and studying me; then she broke the silence.

"It hurts doesn't it?" she whispered as she came to the realization as if she discovered the secret to world peace, did she think I didn't care? 

"Yes.." I sighed as I rubbed my temples, I'm a doofus.

"That you are, but you are my doofus." she laughed and so did I when I realized I spoke outloud.

"You're in heat." I looked over at her.

"Really? I never would have noticed unless of course you look towards the fact that I want to pounce you right now." she said sarcastically looking miserable with herself.

"You know what we have to make it go away, 'cause I damn sure am not letting you near any unmated wolves till they know you belong to me." I could feel me getting angry at the though of them touching her.

"You need to mark me, for now." she finished the sentence as we both know the 'for now' was meant as fully mating.

"For now." I smirked at the thought.

"I just.." she sighed and sat on the bed with her head in her hands as if she was in an internal battle with herself, she probably was.

"Let me know your answer soon." I said as I headed to the door, I didn't get far as I felt Jamie's lips in contact with me; I immediately picked her up and she wrapped her legs around me waist, I then preceded to lower her onto the bed.

I moved so I was on top of her but she rolled us over so she was on top of me, like I said, our little game. I rolled us back over and smiled in content when she moaned and gave up fighting, We stopped kissing as I moved my head to her neck; trailing kisses the whole time.

"D-Do you think that you will be able to warm my cold heart?" she questioned, I felt my teeth elongate as I answered.

"I'll sure as hell try." I responded before biting down on her neck and making her forever mine.

So, did I do good? Lol you guys satisfied; well I think I'm clever with this. I like this chapter :) I think the next chapter is going to be either the wedding or something else, sorry for the spoiler alert but I've been putting off the wedding; I mean it's even awkward for me and I'm not even in the story o.o 

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