Journey to the Ghinolly Mountains

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The following morning Elizabeth woke up completely naked in Rhys's arms. It took her a few minutes to recall where she was and the events of the previous night. She gasped out loud and turned around to face Rhys, who was still sleeping soundly with his arms safely wrapped around her. Her heart pounded in her chest. Did we really have sex? Unprotected? She placed a hand between her legs and felt what was, no doubt, evidence that Rhys had finished inside her. She didn't know how to feel about it and allowed her mind to process the situation.

On one hand, she couldn't deny the incredible arousal and desire she felt, and she knew even without the effects of the drugs that Rhys was very attractive. However, she had allowed him to finish in her and she knew that was the sole goal of the program. If she got pregnant, her fate on Zulu was solidified. There was no way she could return to Earth carrying a half-human, half-alien hybrid. She didn't even know if she could safely give birth to one, let alone raise it without questions and suspicious. It would be another target on her back. Plus, what chance of a normal life could a child like that have in a society as judgmental as Earth's. Her other option was to stay on Zulu and raise the child alongside Rhys. For all intents and purposes, this was Plan A from the beginning, at least in their eyes. Although she was somewhat resigned to her fate, she still held onto a glimmer of hope that she could return to Earth, perhaps under a new identity as Rhys had proposed when they spoke in the garden.

Elizabeth sighed heavily and pushed away all her thoughts. She was getting much too ahead of herself; she doubted Rhys would be able to get her pregnant from one night only. Besides, she couldn't worry about that right now, she needed to focus on helping Rhys find the rare plant they supposedly needed to counteract the drug's effects.

Slowly, she rose from the bed, careful not to disturb Rhys and slipped into the small bathroom. She hopped in the shower and began scrubbing herself clean, taking care to rinse the area between her legs. After she finished, she allowed the hot water to run over her, easing the tension in her muscles. She closed her eyes, letting her body relax when she suddenly felt two hands on her waist. Somehow, this did not startle her. "Rhys," she stated. He chuckled gently in her ear, "Elizabeth..." he whispered. The sound of his voice and the feeling of his breath on her skin, so close, sent a thrilling shiver through her body.

She turned to face him and was confronted by his naked, statuesque body surrounded by the steam from the hot water. She usually avoided looking into his eyes out of bashfulness, but this time she took a long look at him. His brows furrowed in concern and Rhys wondered if she regretted their previous night together. To him it had been the most wonderful night of his life, having such a beautiful woman in his arms. He realized he cared very deeply for Elizabeth, even though he had only known her a short time. He admired her mental strength and courage; facing an alien world all on her own, not knowing who to trust. Yet, she still chose to befriend one of her captors. And here she was with him; sharing herself in a most intimate and vulnerable way. In that moment he felt true fear for the first time in ages. He feared that harm would come to her or that she might choose to go back to her home and that the universe would separate them. He decided that he couldn't let that happen.

He tightened his hold on her waist and pressed her body firmly against his. "Rhys, about last night..." she started. She bit her lip before she could finish, unsure of how to say her next words. She didn't want to hurt his feelings, especially since he had been so kind to her in every regard, but she also needed to draw boundaries. The situation had not changed. She was abducted in an alien world and this man was allied with her captors, whose sole goal was to get her pregnant and have her live out her days on an alien planet. She had no choice but to say what she needed to say, "I don't think we should have sex like that again."

Rhys clenched his jaw, "May I ask why you feel this way? You seemed very pleased when you were on top of me last night," he said smoothly. "I won't deny that it felt good, but I don't think its a good idea for you to finish inside of me again... I don't want to become pregnant. When we were in the garden, you told me you would not force me to have a child. It's not that I don't want to, I just don't feel ready. I've only known you for a week and I've basically been drugged by a powerful alien aphrodisiac this entire time. I can't even trust my own judgement right now." Rhys nodded thoughtfully, "You're absolutely right, I apologize," he let his hands fall from her waist and had a sad look on his face.

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