Aisha and Thaey

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"And then I finished him off by stroking him and I left. I haven't gone back to see him since, though Sheena tells me he has stopped by my room several times. My schedule for today tells me I'm supposed to spend all day with him. I'm so nervous." Aisha was sitting across from Elizabeth having breakfast and filling her in on her evening's escapades.

"This is wonderful news. You even left him wanting more! This is good. We've laid the groundwork for the rest of the plan. Here's what I want you to do, do not touch him or let him get near you until he does some kind of romantic or selfless gesture. And when he does, feel free to rock his world." Elizabeth grinned. "He'll be crawling at your feet in no time."

Aisha smiled and nodded nervously. "Well I really hope so. I really want to go home. At least he's a bit better behaved so far. I think he's beginning to understand me, too."

"I would think so. Rhys told me he was angry by their confrontation, but that it was just his pride and that he would come around. Deep down, he's in need of a woman." Elizabeth confirmed.

"Well, thank you and Rhys so much. You've really helped me so far, I can't tell you how much I appreciate it." Aisha squeezed her hand lightly.

"You have nothing to thank me for. We gotta stick together, you'd have done the same in my shoes. No matter what, I will always help you and any of my sisters." Elizabeth gestured to the rest of the women that were walking around in the dining hall. "Speaking of sisters, I wanted to ask you something. About Sheena actually."

Aisha looked surprised, "Sheena? What about her?"

"How does she treat you? Is she.... friendly?" Elizabeth asked cautiously.

"I suppose. In the beginning, she was a bit cold and scary to be frank. But now we spend so much time together since she's my escort and all. She's definitely gotten nicer and has saved me from Thaey many times. She's very polite too, a bit shy I would say. Why do you ask?"

"No reason in particular, I just heard a rumor from one of the other girls that the escorts were getting a bit too friendly." Elizabeth shrugged.

"What do you mean? Who said that?" Aisha shuddered.

"Well, I don't wanna say who it was because it was told to me in confidence, but all I can say is that one of the girls insinuated that.... that... her Azuli escort was interested in her. Sexually." Elizabeth watched for her reaction.

"What?! No fucking way. I guess I lucked out with Sheena. Can you imagine two aliens trying to fuck me at once? I can barely handle one. I feel bad for whoever it is." Aisha shook her head and turned back to her plate which sat untouched. "Though, I gotta say, at least Sheena can't get me pregnant and she doesn't have a dick the size of my forearm."

They both broke out into laughter before finishing the rest of their breakfast just in time for their morning schedule.

The news had spread around the facility that the High Council was visiting and making "subtle" inspections and interviewing program personnel. Rhys had been away more often the last few days and Elizabeth assumed it was because he was being interviewed or working closely with the members of the High Council.

She did not know much about their government or legislative system, but she had gathered that the High Council was a group of both elder and young Azuli males and females, one from each province of their continent.

This group was responsible for ruling over the planet and ensuring peace was kept, laws were obeyed, social order was maintained, and they were also the leaders in diplomatic relations. Zy'ra had spoken highly of them, but there was a hint of fear in her voice and Rhys seemed to hold a great deal of admiration for them.

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