The Ceremony

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Elizabeth was inconsolable. For three days she cried alone in her room, refusing to eat or speak to anyone. Without Zy'ra to guide and comfort her, she felt lost and terrified in her newfound condition. Shortly after the news, Rhys confirmed that Kallani had told him everything. He had tried to discuss the future and co-parenting with her, but she quickly shut it down. She had a panic attack so violent that they had to sedate her. 

Ever since she woke, she had refused to speak or see anyone. She heard them constantly whispering outside her door where they thought she couldn't hear. She couldn't understand the exact words, since they always spoke in Azuli, but she could understand the tone, the looks, the gestures. She gave up all hope of ever leaving this planet or changing her situation. She knew, now this meant her fate was sealed. Perhaps she had been foolish to think she could ever escape in the first place...

On the fourth day, Rhys stopped by again and brought her food, "There is no trace of any undesired substance in this meal, I promise. They have no need for that anymore," he said bitterly. He placed the plate down on her bedside, next to the IV drip that was hydrating her now. He stood there for a second, but Elizabeth seemed to be in a catatonic state ever since she woke up. 

Dried tears stained her puffy face and the corners of her eyes were an angry sort of red. Her golden irises had a glazed look to them, as if the inhabitant of her mind was somewhere far away rather than in the room with him. Her once rosy skin was pale and sallow, and there was a dark red tinge to her lips as if they were covered in blood. She was still beautiful in his eyes, but her appearance was unsettling and it was worrying him. He still cared for her and her wellbeing, both physical and emotional. Not to mention she was carrying his child inside her. 

He took a long look at her and the IV drip in her arm and decided that this situation was not good for her well being. He walked to the door and asked the two females posted outside for a moment of privacy with his mate. They reluctantly nodded and stepped away. He closed the door quietly, so as to not rouse her out of her placid state. He stepped closer to her again and took her clammy hand in his. This caused her to stir and she blinked a few times, as if coming back into reality and her eyes settled on his face.

He gulped, feeling further unsettled by her eyes on him for the first time in a long time. She made no further moves, so he spoke, "I know you have no trust in me, but if you take a leap of faith, I can help you. Please," he spoke softly, almost a whisper. She stared blankly at him for a long moment. He almost gave up and walked away, but her hand tightened around his ever so slightly. He thought he imagined it, until she parted her lips and a single word passed through them, "Ok," she said hoarsely.

He let out a sigh of relief, she was still in there after all. This was a good sign. "My plan involves you coming to live with me. I have a modest home far from the facility. You need not be bothered by them anymore, except for the occasional doctor visits and wellness checks. We shall stay there two moon cycles and then we can say we are visiting one of our foreign colonies or make an excuse to leave the planet. Once we leave the atmosphere, they cannot control us anymore and we can go anywhere. Even Earth." He spoke knowing that it was highly probable that he would not be able to deliver on his promises, but he knew he needed to give her hope.

Now that Zy'ra was gone, she needed something to look forward to. It would aide her mental health greatly if she had hope of returning home and he needed her to be well. Perhaps she might still change her mind and want to stay.... but he needed her to be in her right mind first. No sound came from her, but he would see in her eyes she was considering his words and then she turned away and gazed at her surroundings. "Anyplace is better than here," she uttered. 

"Very well. Shall I tell Kallani that we want to leave? We will have to do a joining ceremony before we are free to go. It's... only an Azuli tradition." He looked down, he was trying to downplay the significance of the tradition, but it was actually the joining of their souls. It was similar to a marriage ceremony, but for the Azuli,  there was no possibility of ever destroying the bond after a joining. He supposed it would not work in the same manner with their Earthly mates, but in their case the ceremony was more symbolic and a way to keep tradition alive.

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