The Antidote

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"Do you recall how I said a group of women had gone missing from the last round of abductees?" Zy'ra told Rhys. He nodded. "I think the drug killed them. I think they overdosed somehow. I can't be certain, but I do know I was working one day and they the women and their mates were missing. I asked a few colleagues and nobody knew. Kallani mentioned they were unfit for the program." She shuddered at the memory. "Now, I wonder what she really meant."

"We cannot speculate now as to their fate. Please, keep reading and find out everything you can about this substance. There must be something to counteract the effects." Rhys said seriously.

"Well, it says here that it is called vernicula abertoh. It is made by taking vernicule plant extract and mixing it shi'haira pollen and it creates a thick purple goo. If watered down, it is fit for consumption. Research showed it increases libido at an abnormal rate and it is not recommended to be ingested more than once during a seven day period. Effects can last long. The recommended dosage is one drop diluted in liquid or taken with food." Zy'ra read.

"I've never heard of a plant by that name. Is it foreign?" Rhys asked.

Zy'ra's fingers moved in a blur as she typed something and another page came up on the view screen. "Vernicule plant extract comes from Ghenna 4. That's a planet on the far corner of our solar system. They are known for their sex trade." Zy'ra informed Rhys.

"I thought we didn't do negotiations with them. I remember when the High Council voted on it six years ago. I always believed the populace of Ghenna 4 were disgusting. I guess we've sunk just as low," Rhys said bitterly.

"I hate to butt in, but what is Ghenna 4 and what do they do exactly?" Elizabeth chimed in.

"It's a planet in the far reaches of the system and they specialize in selling their own men and women to people interested in sex slaves. They hold auctions and anyone in the galaxy with enough wealth can attend. The most disgusting part is that sometimes they auction off children." Rhys's eyes had darkened slightly as he said the last word.

There was a long silence after that and Zy'ra was once again looking for information about the drug that coursed through Elizabeth's nervous system at the moment. They were both looking at her when she finally broke the silence again, "I found two ways to counteract the effects. The first is by having multiple orgasms. This drug was built to keep someone interested in sexual pleasure for hours or days at a time, so multiple orgasms will help reduce the effect. The other known antidote is a rare herb called t'azairre which grows in the Ghinolly mountains. When taken as a tea, it neutralizes the effects of vernicula abertoh in minutes."

Rhys and Elizabeth looked at each other, "Well, there can be no question about it. I must go to the Ghinolly mountains and find this herb. I'll bring back enough of it to make teas for everyone. By then, the inspector from the High Council will have arrived. Zy'ra, I need you to get him alone at the first chance and show him this," he gestured at the view screen and the vial still in her possession.

"You can't go by yourself. Please, don't leave me here all by myself. What would they do to me if they find out you're gone?" Elizabeth pleaded.

"I would rather you stay here Elizabeth, it's much safer for you here. With me." Zy'ra tried to persuade her. 

"What will everyone say if I'm here alone without Rhys? Who will I attend the couples' activities with?" She asked Zy'ra. 

Rhys seemed to think about it for a moment before deciding, "I will take her with me, but we will require a ship and provisions. Elizabeth needs heavy furs or winter coats. I am accustomed to the cold, since I was raised near Ghinolly, but the temperatures in the mountains are unwelcoming, so I'll be needing warm garments as well," he explained.

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