Aisha Morrison

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"Mine is brutish. He hardly talks and only seems to be interested in one thing. He's like a wild animal. I hate it," Aisha muttered bitterly.

"Mine is really sweet, he hasn't lain a finger on me yet. He seems very curious about us and where we come from. We talk for hours every day." Emily said.

"Mine is a bit strange. He doesn't talk much either, but he just follows the schedule with me and takes care of me like a child. Never lets me out of his sight. That's him over there," Joanna pointed to an Azuli warrior standing stiffly in the far corner of the room eyeing us with a serious look on his face.

"Well, I think I'm already expecting actually. The first night we met, we... I guess we just clicked? I don't know how to describe it, but we just did what we're biologically programmed to do. And we have been making love very often," Christina turned red and stifled a giggle before adding, "he's actually the most generous lover I've ever had."

Elizabeth had been talking to the women for hours and one of the popular topics, was their assigned mates. There were 15 women in attendance  and she took note of all of them, carefully remembering their faces, names and who their mates were. She knew this would be important information later. 

Christina, the last one who spoke, was paired with Vixos, a lilac-skinned, chiseled, specimen who's jawline looked like it could cut diamond. From Christina's description, he seemed to be quite taken with her and eager to please.

Most of the women agreed, the warriors all had one thing in common: they were obsessed with them. Whether it stemmed from fascination, love, or uncontrolled lust, all of them were precious in the eyes of their mates. This was good. Love was an excellent tool for manipulation and Elizabeth was going to use it to their benefit, but they needed to be in control.

She was concerned for Aisha the most. She was the one who described her mate as brutish and rough and only interested in bedding her. She had been fighting his aggressive advances since they met, but he had been unable to claim her. Apparently, Aisha's "protector", Sheena, had been interfering and standing guard outside her door or helping her escape when he got too rough. They had gotten into arguments in front of her, but they had both been speaking Azuli, so she didn't know the specifics of what they said, only that it had been very heated.

Elizabeth chose her next words carefully, "Do any of you miss your life back on Earth?"

"Yes, absolutely. I miss my friends, I miss my job."

"I miss my coworkers...Never thought I would say that, but I truly do."

"I miss everything from back home. I miss takin the subway, going out, seeing people, getting coffee, I miss the city life and the sounds."

"I miss my parents. They were elderly and my brother and I were taking care of them before all this happened."

Elizabeth nodded and listened as they all spoke about what they missed most. Some were relatable and things she missed too, other things she could live without. After they all finished, she continued with, "Would any of you consider going back if you got the chance?"

There was a moment's pause before Aisha said, "I want nothing more than to go back," through tears.

Then all of them murmured in agreement and nodded, looking around, as if afraid someone might hear. There was another moment of silence as they all contemplated what she was asking, before Christina chimed in, "Only way I'm going back is if I can take my man with me. I'm not giving up these orgasms for the world. Literally." Everyone snickered or rolled their eyes and the girl closest to her smacked her playfully.

"Well, aside from Christina, is anyone of you...happy here?" Elizabeth asked.

Another pause.

They thought for a moment and Nadine spoke, "It's a complicated question. I mean, I wouldn't say I don't miss Earth, but after seeing this place and meeting these people... it just feels like it has changed me in a profound way and I don't think I can go back to living my monotonous life. I kind of feel like this has given my life meaning. It's kind of like a movie. How can I go back to living a regular life and working and doing all the daily mundane tasks?"

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