The Vile Vial

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Thank you so much for all your comments and for 400 reads. I cannot believe so many people are enjoying my story. I would have never thought anyone would like it and I started writing it as something to do during quarantine. I'm grateful for every single comment and star on my story and I read everything you guys suggest. This part is mainly inner thoughts of characters as they reflect on what happened in the previous chapter. Hope you enjoy!

Zy'ra tried her best to look inconspicuous as she supervised the preparation of dinner. Usually this task was given on rotation and she never supervised twice in one week. This time, however, one of her colleagues had switched with her before Rhys even had a chance to speak with her. Now she was thankful that she did not turn down the job. She knew her colleagues did not take it too seriously, even though they were supposed to make sure all the ingredients added into the food were safe for the consumption of Earthlings. They were there as a precaution in case the kitchen staff made a mistake. She had never heard anyone mention seeing anything out of place during food prep, they only talked about how tedious it was. 

She observed carefully as the chef chopped bits of food into small pieces and added them to a pot of boiling water along with some Earth spices she had become familiar with. She paced around the kitchen, looking at every dish and making subtle inquiries about the ingredients and the origin of each dish. She pretended she was just brushing up on her knowledge of Earth foods. "Ah, is that fresh basil? My, what a flavorful little plant." She commented. "What are we having to drink tonight? Isn't that too much salt? Are we getting any dessert tonight? I do have a preference for a confection made from cacao beans. What's it called again? Chocolate?"

The cook, annoyed by her questions and comments, promptly pushed a menu into her hands. "That's everything on the menu for tonight, since you seem so curious." She grumbled. Zy'ra smiled sweetly, "Thanks! I just really love all these new flavors and Earth cuisine is so varied." She took a glance at the menu and continued to stand watch over the cooks, more quietly this time. That's when she spotted it--a small vial of purple liquid was retrieved from the chef's apron and she was pouring a few droplets into every single dish. Zy'ra clamped a hand over her mouth to keep from gasping as she realized the purple additive was not any Earth or Zulu spice that she had ever seen. Moreover, it was very suspicious that the chef had kept it in her apron, since all the spices and food flavorings were kept in a storage cabinet in the food preparation area. 

At once, she knew she needed to get her hands on the vial. The chef only put a few drops into each dish and quickly replaced the vial in the pocket of her apron when she finished. Zy'ra pretended not to notice this and appeared preoccupied with the menu, instead. She knew she would need to get her hands on that apron, so she did the first thing that came into her mind. As the chef was walking to the other side of the food prep area, Zy'ra started walking while looking at her menu and pretended to trip and spilled some sauce all over both of them.

"Oi! Tyrex benil jacorth!" Zy'ra apologized in Azuli, hoping the use of their native tongue would make her apology seem more genuine. "Here, let me take your apron to the wash. I have to go there now anyway. I deeply apologize, chef." She put a hand to her chest, feigning embarrassment. The chef, fed up with her antics, simply took off her apron and handed it over, "Here. In the future, do make sure to be more careful." She uttered. 

Zy'ra didn't need to be told twice. She snatched the apron and practically ran out of the kitchen and into a storage closet she knew was empty. Once safely inside, she reached into the apron and retrieved the vial of purple liquid. There was only a bit left inside, but that was all she needed. She grabbed her communicator from her pocket and called Rhys, "I got it. Meet me in the laboratory after dinner, at the third hour of dark. Make sure you are not seen and bring Elizabeth, she will want to know." 

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