The Revelation

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A privilege? Were they being serious? They thought they had given us a privilege?

Elizabeth had to bite her lip in order to stop herself from screaming. She looked back at the other women and remembered they were headed for the alien planet in probably just a few hours. If she wanted to escape and save the others, she knew she had to do something and do it quick. The ship was still in Earth's orbit, so surely it might be picked up by satellites. She needed an escape plan. She knew nothing of space ships or space travel, but certainly they had to have emergency escape pods. Enough for everyone? Maybe, maybe not. Could she get 20 others to cooperate and come with her?

She sighed. There was no time for a plan. She would have to do everything in her power to cause enough of a diversion. If the ship left now, they would probably never see Earth again. How do I stop them from flying back home? The time for remaining calm and collected was gone. After the alien male finished the speech, he was taking questions from the other abductees. Now was her chance.

Zy'ra was sitting next to her unsuspectingly and she still held the syringe loosely in her hand. Without hesitation, Elizabeth yanked the syringe out of her hand and lunged for the alien giving the speech. She sent the podium toppling over and landed on top of the alien. She uncapped the needle with her teeth and stabbed it into his neck. The look on his face was of utter bewilderment and fright as she drained the fluid into his neck. Another nearby alien woman stood up to grab her, but before she could, Elizabeth pushed off the ground and ran toward the nearest exist. Unfortunately, it would not open for her, so she did the next best thing and started grabbing chairs and flinging them at her captors.

While they were focused on her, she hoped one of the other women would be able to make an exit safely and discreetly. She ran from left to right and in circles, throwing chairs in all directions and managed to hit one of the aliens, who fell to the floor with a groan. Two others went to help her up. Zy'ra was scowling at her, but was oddly enough, keeping her distance.

She noticed the other women had huddled together in a corner and one was inspecting the alien on the floor with the needle still in his neck. She pulled a keycard from his uniform and carefully placed tucked it away under her gown. Seeing this, Elizabeth slowed down and stopped throwing things, turning her attention back on her captors, who were now cornering her.

They all looked at her with daggers in their eyes and clenched fists, but they did nothing to harm her. One of them spoke in their native language something she did not understand and the others nodded. They simply stood around her, creating a barricade and sealing her in. Elizabeth frowned, but then she understood: they could not harm her because she was their precious cargo and mother-to-be. She spat on the ground and cursed at them, "You bitches think you can come to Earth and take what you want and that we won't fight back? You have another thing coming."


After her little show, Elizabeth had been tranquilized by another alien who arrived on the scene shortly after she'd been cornered against the exit. This one had used a heavy sedative to prevent further chaos and she had been taken back to the room with the cot. When she came to, she found a tray containing food water and some pills next to her cot. She noticed a few items had been added to the room as well, including a drawer and a desk with a chair in the corner. She would inspect those things later, first she needed to get some food in her growling, aching stomach.

They had served her chicken breast and rice with vegetables on the side and had given her water as well as juice. In a small container there were some pills and a note. Not caring much what it said, she started digging in and ate the entire meal in minutes. She gulped down the juice and then took a few sips of the water. Out of curiosity, she grabbed the note and read it. Once again, it was written in several languages all saying the same thing: "Please take your prenatal vitamin. You will take two of these per day in the morning and in the evening." She tossed the note aside and snorted. As if. She wasn't even sure if those were prenatal vitamins. They could be anything for all she knew.

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