In the Bath

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Hello, readers! I just want to say that I had thought about giving up on this project, but when I checked back I had 100 reads and a few comments and stars. This made me so happy and encouraged me to keep writing this story. I know I'm just an amateur writer and not a lot of people want to read that type of content, so I understand. But still, it's so nice to see someone enjoying this. I'm just making this up as I go, so I might revise things every now and again to make it all flow better and make more sense. Thanks for all your comments on my last few parts. I have a lot of ideas of where this story could go. Let me know what you want to happen!

After his talk with Zy'ra, Rhys returned to his room with two containers of fresh food for him and Elizabeth. He set the food down on the table in the small kitchen and Elizabeth took a seat across from him and started eating. He almost wanted to throw out the food, knowing it probably contained more of that strange additive, but he knew there was nothing else to eat and he would have to bear it until they found a way to test what exactly was in the food. He knew logically that there was no other solution for the time being, but he felt increasingly protective over Elizabeth as he watched her chew. 

Elizabeth ate her food quietly and noticed Rhys was staring at her. Growing self conscious, she put down her fork and asked, "What is it? Am I eating sloppily?" She had been pretty hungry when he brought in the meals. He seemed to have taken a long time just to go to the dining hall and back. "Not at all. Your table manners are perfect. Forgive me for staring." Rhys looked back down and continued eating his food. Elizabeth took a sip from her drink, surprised at the flavor, "Wait, is this Coca Cola?" She asked. Rhys nodded, "I believe so. It was imported from Earth this morning. The dining hall attendant said this was a popular beverage from your region." 

Elizabeth gave him a small smile, enjoying the little taste of home and the refreshing fizziness of the coke. "Thanks. This is one of my favorite drinks because I was never allowed to have any as a kid. I don't have it all the time, but when I do it's sort of a treat." Rhys smiled back, pleased with himself for getting her something she liked. He felt pride that he was getting along well with his female and secretly hoped she would agree to stay with him. He decided he ought to use this time to get to know her in earnest, that way they could build a friendly relationship. "What other foods do you enjoy? I would like to know so I can keep them in stock when we return to my home--our home," He corrected. 

Elizabeth's heart fluttered again at the thought of living with him as his wife in the future, but she tried to appear neutral and answer his question, "I really like pasta. All types of pasta with tomato sauce and shredded cheese on top. It's the best. Maybe I can make you a plate sometime. I think you'd enjoy it." Rhys's smile broadened and he blushed, "In my culture, cooking a meal for someone who is not a relative means you share a special bond. You would really do that for me?" 

"Well, on Earth it's a little different. Cooking for someone is a form of hospitality and is more like a friendly gesture, but I would like to have a special bond with you." Elizabeth, feeling emboldened, reached out and stroked his arm. 

"I would also like that very much, Elizabeth."


"So, what's next on the schedule?" Elizabeth asked as she cleared the table and put the containers in the waste receptacle that was equipped in every room. "It looks like we are supposed to bathe together, now." Rhys narrowed his eyes at the schedule and sighed loudly. "This is going to be awkward for both of us. I think we should skip this one." He offered.

"If we're going to be put in these situations constantly I think it's best if you know something first," Elizabeth said nervously. "I need to be honest about how I feel. I am extremely attracted to you. It feels like a gravitational pull every time we're in the same room. I want you so badly, but I don't know if it's me or the drugs. I know you're also aroused by me because of how you acted the first night and what I saw in the massage room..." Elizabeth paused when she saw his cheeks darken again and he turned away. 

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