My World

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The following morning Zy'ra woke up in Elizabeth's arms. She was confused and disoriented as she came to, questioning why she was naked in a room that was not hers. She felt the familiar sensation of Elizabeth's bare skin against hers and gasped lightly. Suddenly, the flood of memories came rushing forth and she remembered the night they'd spent together. 

The fiery passion in her core, the mind shattering pleasure, the beauty of Elizabeth being so naked and exposed for her... She felt herself moisten again just from the thought of it. She was also hit by a wave of guilt. This was never part of the plan. What she was doing was inconceivable

If anyone found out... what would they do? She might be imprisoned...or exiled...or even executed. In a way, her actions could be seen as treason. She was supposed to keep watch over Elizabeth and ensure she bonded with her assigned mate and help her through the process. She was supposed to guide her through the pregnancy and birth...

Her role was of a friend, confidante, an ally to introduce her into a new world and ease her mind. She was meant to help Elizabeth accept her new life. She had done everything but. And worst of all, she had coveted, someone, that wasn't hers to keep.

Not to mention her feelings for Elizabeth were unnatural and unheard of. It was frowned upon to covet someone else's mate, especially a female. It was unheard of for a female to desire another female in their culture. Zy'ra tried to make sense of her feelings, but every time she looked down at Elizabeth's unconscious body, her heart raced. She felt an overwhelming, possessive urge to kiss her, hug her, touch her, explore her hidden depths. 

She stirred in her sleep and Zy'ra pulled her shegion out of her uniform pocket. She found it was half past sunrise and she had missed 4 comms. "Frex!" she cursed in her native language and got up. 

She started hastily getting dressed and returned the comms. "Zy'ra, what prevented you from answering the comms?" The voice of Kallani came from the shegion and she sounded extremely annoyed. Zy'ra made up a flimsy excuse and asked what she needed. After all, it was her day off. "What I require is to know where the subject, Elizabeth, is and an update on the progress with her and Commander Rhys." She snapped.

"Kallani, was this of such high importance that it could not wait until tomorrow? Rhys and her are making significant progress. It's obvious to anyone who sees them." She admitted bitterly.

"I should hope so. Their union is very important in particular. I am confident Elizabeth will produce a very healthy heir to the Azuli." She cleared her throat.

"Is that all? Why are you so concerned with Elizabeth's womb? Have we not enough females who are currently pregnant?" Zy'ra hated the path this conversation was taking.

"We did. However--" there was a slight pause, "are you alone?" she asked.

"Of course," she lied.

Elizabeth was now fully awake, staring at Zy'ra talking over the shegion, the clear rectangular device they all seemed to carry. She had no idea what they were saying, but still watched Zy'ra intently for her reactions and intonations. She knew it was Kallani who was speaking to her. 

"We lost five of the females. They were almost to term, but....something went wrong. We do not have an indication at this time of what happened, but this has been devastating, for the program and for their mates... The High Council will be paying us a visit any day now. They are not pleased. Speak no word of this to anyone. I will be in communication with you, monitor Elizabeth closely." With that, she ended the comms, leaving Zy'ra shocked and appalled.

Her expression said everything. Whatever Kallani told her, Elizabeth knew, it had not been good news. Zy'ra was standing there, half dressed, looking like her world had imploded. "What was that? What's happening?" Elizabeth reached for her, but she flinched. 

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