Chapter 3

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"Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life - think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, but full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success. -Swami Vivekananda


(Winning a battle, Losing a war)

(Season one, episode three)


Waking up as a surgeon is already a tough job. But when you have two roommates that are always happy and chirpy but also yell at each other for which room they should get, it only makes the job harder.

"Go away Izzie." Annabelle said as she heard the door open. "I don't care if you want my room or if you want George's. But if you want something, go wake up Meredith." She continued, putting a pillow over her ears as she could hear George yelling at Izzie.

"Yeah, we already did." The tall blond replied. "Why did you get the biggest room? I mean look at all of this space. You don't even use it all." She asked. The brunette took the pillow off her head and looked at the women causing all of this noise.

"I save the extra space for when I have some special friends come over." Annabelle replied before continuing. "Besides I'm thinking of getting a couch to go under the window." She said before she got up and made her way into the bathroom to try and get away.

"Wait, what special friends?" Izzie asked, looking confused at the younger girl.

"What friends do you think, Izzie?" She asked, walking into the bathroom and starting to close the door. "The ones that give you a good time in bed after a long day at work." She finished, closing the door on the blonde's face before starting the shower and getting in. The door opened again. "I swear to god Izzie, if you- Meredith, hi." Annabelle greeted.

"Sex friends, huh?" She said, before opening the door again and closing it before sliding down whilst holding a cup of coffee. "I think that I really need one of those." The older girl laughed, making the younger do the same before continuing her shower.


"Fools on bikes killing themselves. Natural selection is what it is." Bailey said as they walked towards the ER together. Turns out today was the Dead Baby bike race. A race where there are no rules except no eye gouging and once they hit the finish line they get free tequila. Sounds like something the female interns might be into.

"So what's up with the Nazi, is she off her meds?" Alex whispered to George as they slowly followed behind their resident.

"You never heard of the race." George asked in return as the group turned to the corner to see the Chief, Dr. Burke and Dr. Shepherd, who were all looking at a well organized OR board.

"Excellent board. Well-timed, balanced, efficient- if all goes well, we'll have an early night." The Chief said hopefully with a bright smile on his face.

"Chief!" The resident yelled, catching the attention of everyone in the room. "Dead Baby bike race started twenty-minutes ago." She concluded, making everyone look at each other before Bailey and her interns were back on their course to the ER.

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