Chapter 14

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"Wherever you go, go with all your heart" -Confucius


(Doesn't follow a set episode)


"I understand that you're the Chief of surgery and I'm at your beck and call because you are my boss but I have been here for twenty-four hours and wish to go home, so please make this quick." Dr. Burke said, walking into the room, not noticing that Annabelle was sitting in the chair in front of him.

"I understand that you want to go home but we've got a situation." Richard said, pointing between him and Anna. Burke looks at her for a second before turning back to the Chief. "This needs to have your discretion, especially with the way that gossip moves around here. Do you understand me?"

"Yes sir." Burke nodded before walking closer to the two doctors. "What's going on?"


"I'm assuming you've been through this before?" Burke asks, noticing how Annabelle didn't even flinch when she was getting her blood drawn..

"More times then I can count." She replied, breathless. They had just finished doing an exercise test/stress test and were now doing a blood test before moving on and doing a chest X-ray, a cardiac CT, a cardiac MRI and finally an EKG to make sure they covered all the bases.

"Richard mentioned that this happened before. Can you tell me when?" He asked.

"Uh, it started about twelve years ago when I was diagnosed. I then spent almost two years in the hospital getting treatment before I finally got the transplant." She told him, not giving him many details because it wasn't really a subject that she liked bringing up.

"Does your family know about your current situation?"

"No. And I'd like to keep it that way, at least until my siblings are done their semester at school." She told him when he pulled the needle full of blood away and put it in a vile to get tested. "I don't want to stress them out more then I have to." He nodded and gave her a small smile before taking the vile and walking out of the room.


"What are the results?" Richard asked Burke. All three of them were back in his office, sitting on the couch going over the results.

Burke had a frown on his face as he read through everything. "This is the one time that I feel disappointment when an intern is right in their diagnosis." He said, turning to look at the intern who now has tears in her eyes. "I'm sorry." He then continued. "I'm going to put your name on the list, but you have to keep me updated about any new symptoms that might arise. No more keeping things to yourself." He took a deep breath and interlaced his fingers before continuing. "Now for what concerns your job, I'd recommend no scrubbing in on surgery, no rounds, just sitting at a desk and filing out charts and paperwork and if at any point even that starts to get hard to do or your condition worsens you will be put on medical leave and we'll have to admit you."

"Thank you." She said she was relieved that she didn't have to leave work, even though that's probably what they should have done.

Richard got up and went to grab his coat. "I'll inform Bailey in the morning, make sure she understands the situation but for now let's all go home and get some rest."


Word Count: 575

Started Writing: 05/06/2024

Finished Writing: 05/06/2024

Date Published: 05/06/2024



Double update!!!

Another short chapter but the next one should hopefully be longer. And we're skipping a few episodes so that you guys can soon get the full idea of what's going on.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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