Chapter 8

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"I like nonsense; it wakes up the brain cells " -Dr. Seuss


(Save Me)

(Season one, episode eight)


It was early in the morning, the interns had a little time before they had to leave for their shifts at the hospital. Izzie is in the kitchen with a sink full of dirty dishes and cupcakes practically everywhere. George is sitting at the table in the kitchen eating some of the cupcakes while Annabelle was eating her cereal with a bowl of fruit on the side.

"Eight hours, 16 ounces of chocolate, and 32 cupcakes, and they still don't taste right." Izzie groaned, getting annoyed that she still didn't get the recipe right after many tries.

"No, these are good. Martha Stewart would be proud." George replies, with a mouthful of the cupcakes.

"Yuck. Mouth closed George." Anna complained, after seeing the inside of George's cupcake filled mouth.

"Yeah, look where it got her." Izzie replied to George's previous comment.

"There's something missing, some specific ingredient. Why can't I remember?" She said with a groan.

"Look, just call her. Call your mother and ask." George suggested.

"I don't want to call my mother." Izzie told the boy in a firm tone, right before Meredith and Derek walked into the kitchen together.

Derek had been staying at the interns residence for the past week, not that Annabelle or Meredith were complaining, both for different reasons of course. For Annabelle, she simply enjoyed his company, he was like a good friend to her and she'd almost go as far as to call him her brother, but not just yet. And Meredith, well everyone knows the reason she's letting him stay.

"Good morning." Derek greets with a smile on his face, heading toward the cupboard.

"Hey. You guys want a cupcake?" George asked the two that just entered.

"Oh, no." Derek immediately with a shake of his head.

"Izzie made them." George tries but still gets a shake of the head, making him sigh.

"You know, I like it here. You said so yourself, you liked having your things around, sleeping in your own bed." Derek tells Meredith, grabbing the cereal and a bowl before heading towards the table and sitting next to Annabelle, who was silently munching on her bowl of fruit.

"You're like a health nut, aren't ya? You eat Anna's muesli every morning. It's a bit weird." George says, making Annabelle look at him.

"Since when is being a health nut bad?" Annabelle asked, looking at George and stabbing a piece of fruit with her fork while staring at the boy, making him shiver. "Oh, and you're going to have to buy me another box of that since you finished it." Annabelle told Derek before eating the fruit that was on the fork.

"Ok, I have to agree with George, the muesli thing, you do. The last seven days, at least." Izzie replied, looking at the attending that was eating.

"Oh, come on. I haven't been here for a whole week. Have I?" Derek asks, looking shocked and looking at all the interns for a response but the two chattiest ones stayed quiet for the first time in a long time.

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