Chapter 5

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"Any man who reads too much and uses his own brain too little falls into lazy habits of thinking." -Albert Einstein


(Shake Your Groove Thing)

(Season one, episode five)


George, Cristina and Anna were all sitting in the observation deck watching Meredith assist Dr. Burke in a heart surgery. The screen above the window showed a close up version of the surgery that was being performed.

"I wish I could hold a heart." George growned, looking at the screen.

"A monkey could hold a heart." Cristina replied to the male intern's comment, making the brunette intern laugh slightly.

"If you want to hold a heart that bad George, just cut into your chest and grab it. But then you'd be dead so you'd have to grab it quickly cause otherwise you won't be able to experience the feeling for long." Annabelle told the boy, making both women laugh slightly.

"You two are just jealous." The man says, looking as if he's trying to make himself feel better, as Izzie walks into the room, giving the interns a chance to get the attention off of him.

"George, I need more ice and chips." The former model told the boy, standing in the doorway and not making a move to sit down anywhere in the room.

"Who else did you invite?" George asked, looking slightly irritated, since the small gathering of people to meet Izzie's boyfriend just kept growing.

"Izzie, we said the list was jocks only. Surgery, Trauma, Plastics. Who else?

"Just some people from peds." She responded.

"You invited the preschoolers to Meredith's house. The next thing you'll say is that you invited the shrinks." Cristina said, making the blond look away. "She invited the mental defects. This party's D.O.A." The asian woman continued.

"Actually, pediatric surgery is one of the most competitive fields that you can go into, and it probably also one of the hardest fields to work in. And as for shrinks, well, they probably help a lot more people then we do on a daily basis." Annabelle told the dark haired woman, who looked at her weirdly before George decided to speak up.

"You know, Meredith just thinks this is going to be a little, small, meet-your-boyfriend cocktail thing. Did you clear this with her?" After asking this, all three interns looked towards the blonde in hopes that she had.

"No, but I will." She says, making the three give her a look. "I promise." Izzie continued.

"Twenty dollars says that she doesn't tell Meredith." Anna said before Cristina did, making the girl look at her with a scowl. "Oh, I have a question. Is he bad in bed?" The girl said, making Cristina laugh and Izzie shot her a glare.

"No, of course not. Why would you think that?" The blonde asked Annabelle, making the girl smirk a little.

"Because, you're throwing a huge party. So it makes me think that you want to get away from that small man penis." She replied, pausing for just a second, starting back up as Izzie opened her mouth. "I was just thinking that he was bad in bed."

"Well he's not. I just want him to meet some of my friends." Izzie replied with a small nervous smile.

"Right. Sixty geeks in scrubs are your friends." Cristina says before her pager goes off and she starts to get up. "Bad sex, sucks for you." She said, making Anna snort.

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