Chapter 10

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"He who learns must suffer. And even in our sleep pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart, and in out own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of god."-Aeschylus


(Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head)

(Season two, episode one)


"Hey."Annabelle said, sitting down next to Meredith who's throwing back a shot of tequila. "I thought you were going on a date with Derek." The brunette said, making Meredith look at her with an angry and sad look.

"I was but then his wife showed up." Meredith said, pushing over a shot of tequila to Annabelle after seeing the same look that she had, resting on her face. "I know." She said, grabbing another shot for herself. "I feel the same, if not worse." She continued before they both swallowed the alcohol.

A few minutes and shots later, both George and Cristina walk into the bar. " All hail the champ!" Joe yelled, making everyone in the bar cheer. "So, my guy Alex finally got what was coming to him." Joe said to George as the boy sat down at the bar next to Cristina who was sitting next to Annabelle.

"George knocked him down with one punch. You should've seen it." Cristina said with a small smile on her face.

"I don't want to talk about it!" George said, looking a little annoyed and embarrassed from all the attention.

"Brag, champ, brag. You've earned it." Joe said, cleaning a glass before filling it with water and giving it to Annabelle to sober up a bit, to which she smiled at him in response.

"Can I have a beer, please?" George asked, getting a nod from Joe who grabbed a beer and gave it to the boy.

"Let's play a game of whose life sucks the most. I'll win. I always win." Meredith said to Cristina, looking at the girl drunkenly.

"No you don't want to play with me." Cristina said quickly, shaking her head.

"Oh, I do. I'll even go first. Derek's married." Meredith said, making George spit out his beer in a giant spray and look at Meredith with wide eyes.

"George, beer is dripping from your nostrils." Cristina commented, not quite as surprised by the news.

"Told you I'd win." Meredith said.

"No, you didn't win." The asian women responded.

"Did you hear me? I said Derek is married. As in pigheaded, adulterous, liar married. Nothing you could say could top that." Meredith continued.

"I'm pregnant. I win." Cristina said, making Annabelle look up at her with a shocked look on her face.

Behind the interns, Joe starts groaning and holding his head before he falls over. "I think Joe wins today." Annabelle said before quickly getting from the stool and crouching down to help Joe. "Joe, lie back down." The brunette said as the man tried to get up.

"The medics are coming." A man told the girl, making her smile and thank him.

"You called the gurney patrol?" Joe asked Annabelle, starting to get agitated.

"Sit back and relax. We have to take you to the hospital to run some tests." Meredith told him.

"Tests? I don't need tests. I'm fine!" Joe said, looking between all the interns.

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