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chapter one.

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HUNTER SHUT THE DOOR to her truck as she stared at the towering LAFD fire house, blocking out any nerves that tried to creep their way under her skin before walking towards the front entrance. Clad in black boots, navy blue pants and an LAFD shirt, Hunter was almost positive that she would be able to blend in.

Nerves were not something that Callahan's felt, at least that was what had been drilled into her head for as long as she could remember. And Hunter did her best to live by that, she absolutely hated that sinking feeling in her stomach and somehow managed to always push it away when things began to get hasty.

She lifted her sunglasses from the bridge of her nose to rest atop of her blonde locks on the top of her head, the soft curls hidden by the tight bun she had pulled her hair into that morning. It seemed that old habits did indeed die hard, it was the same gelled and sleek hairstyle that she had worn in the marines.. From afar, she could see a small group gathered at the lofted area. With a head held high, her boots thudded against the metal stairs, the echoing sound gathering attention towards her approaching figure.

"Oh, hey," a shorter man said, catching her own attention as she slowed to a stop, "You must be Hunter?"

The way the male had phrased it made it sound more like more of a question than a statement, her face stayed flat as she cocked her head to the side— an almost unwelcoming purse of her lips caused the man to watch her even closer, "Yeah, that's me," she confirmed, her gaze almost challenging the man. She hadn't meant to, it was the by-product of her not only being her father's daughter but also of the years spent working in a man's world. The instinctual need for her to protect herself, to keep a guard up around others, was something that would never leave her body.

A different man stepped forward, almost pushing the other one back in a way to tell him to lay off of the new probationary firefighter, "Alright, I'm Captain Nash. This is Hen and Chimney," he introduced the other firefighters with a wave of his hand before stepping closer and extending his hand towards Hunter.

𝙗𝙚𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙞𝙛𝙪𝙡 𝙢𝙚𝙨𝙨. Evan Buckley ¹Where stories live. Discover now