twenty one

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chapter twenty one.


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Hunter took a deep breath as she tried to prepare herself. She had to stand in front of a crowd and talk about daddy dearest to people who never knew who he really was.

Hurtful enough, her own mother didn't even show up. The crowd was mostly his Navy buddies along with family. Why she had been chosen to write an eulogy? She had no idea.

"I remember being young and always waiting for the nights when my brother and i would be able to call my dad," she started while looking at her hands, "I wanted to be just like him, I always looked up to him. He was the one who taught me to fish, how to shoot, and helped me fix my first truck. I will forever be grateful for the time I had with him."

Hunter looked up and made eye contact with her brother who smiled softly, "both my brother and I followed in his footsteps, we served and it felt so good to make him proud. And I know a lot of you here today felt that same way. The tough general who was actually just a teddy bear deep down, for lack of better word."

Wiping her eyes, she continued, "my father was a great man. He loved his wife and his children. He didn't care about medals within the Navy but still was granted with the Medal of Honor. There wasn't a thing he couldn't fix. He had a southern draw like a redbone hound and he could spin a story like a wagon wheel. Unfortunately for my teen years, he could see through a lie like a screen door," she said somberly but gained a few laughs.

"He carried a Bible and a .44 and they just don't make them like that no more," Hunter said before closing her speech, "and now I get to say, I've never been prouder to be his daughter."

Hunter felt numb as the twenty one gun salute rang through the cemetery. She didn't know how to feel, especially when the officer handed her the folded up flag, the second she had received in just a few years. Growing up, she had eventually come to terms with the fact that her father might not come come one day, but now that it had happened after she had grown past that fear- she had no emotion. And on top of that, it's not like she had tears to cry for that man. He had changed a lot after her mother had left.

𝙗𝙚𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙞𝙛𝙪𝙡 𝙢𝙚𝙨𝙨. Evan Buckley ¹Where stories live. Discover now