ch. two

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"Y/N," Captain Levi called out to me. I walked towards him, peering over a hill by his side.

"Yes, sir?"

"You're with me. Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Hange and Erwin -- you're coming too. Hange, make groups so we can split up."

"Of course," Hange replied, walking away and yelling orders. Erwin appeared by my side, and I almost had to break my neck to look up at him. Determination was glowing in his eyes, his bushy brows furrowed with focus.

I glanced at Eren, his jaw ticking as he walked closer with Mikasa and Armin. I sighed, turning away, attempting to ignore Eren's presence when all it did was break my heart.

"There's a few Abnormals up ahead. Do you see them?" Levi asked, pointing into the distance.

"How can you not?" I muttered in awe, watching one run around like a chicken with it's head cut off. Levi tsked, his dark eyes meeting mine.

"Okay. Gather around," he turned towards us, everyone forming together. "We're gonna get on our horses and head straight for them. We should be able to kill them all and keep their focus off of the other groups."

"That's if they even pay us any mind," Armin commented worriedly.

"They will, Armin. We've got this," I squeezed his shoulder reassuringly, gaining a soft smile in return. I felt Eren's eyes on me, and I finally met his gaze.

His eyes were blank as they looked into mine, his expression bored. I turned away quickly, feeling resentment for those looks he gives me. He didn't even have to use his words in order to say he didn't care for me.

But then I caved, and my attention was back on him. This time, his head was hung low, his brows scrunched, his jaw ticking. His entire body was tense.

What was it that was making him react this way? Was it me? Because just a second ago, he was completely fine.

How could it be me? I shake my head, knowing it's just wishful thinking. I remained curious when I saw Armin ask if he was okay and Eren didn't even acknowledge him.

I tore my attention away from him as I followed Captain Levi to the horses. I didn't look back over at him again, too afraid he'd easily be able to read me just from looking in my eyes. But what I was mostly afraid of is trying to reach out to him because of the expression I had just saw on his face.

We all jumped on our horses and followed as Erwin, Hange and Levi lead in front. My adrenaline kicked in the closer we got to the Titans as I observed the different meter sizes they were.

"Go!" Levi and Erwin yelled in unison.

I used my ODM gear to wrap around a Titan, confusing him with the different directions. I played like I was going left, making him turn that way, just for me to go right and slice his neck. I hooked onto a tree, turning around to see his body slam to the ground, dirt ruining my vision for just enough time for a Titan to grab me.

I wasn't even in his hand long enough to scream before I was dropped to the ground. Blood squirted all over my body, and I pushed the Titan's fingers away from me, standing up.

My heart was hammering out of my chest as I looked up to see Eren's eyes on me. He didn't dare to look away as I watched him silently studying me to make sure I was okay. My breathing was ragged and uneven, much like his own.

If I thought I was okay before, all of that changed when I saw the concern etched on his face, his eyes still trailing over my body as if scanning for injuries.

"I need a hand!" Armin yelled.

Eren looked over at him, then back at me. He seemed distraught over who to stay with.

"Go!" I yelled.

Eren jerked his head back towards me, eyes wide. He was being hesitant, almost asking for permission to actually go to Armin.

"Go, I'm okay. Help him Eren," I pleaded. Then, with one last look, he vanished.


Some of our horses got caught in the action, so we were riding in a carriage as Levi and Erwin rode on the horses that the carriage was attached to.

Jean, Eren, Reiner and Sasha were riding in it with me while everyone else still luckily had their horses.

I was seated between Sasha and Jean, while Eren and Reiner were on opposite sides. I was holding my arm tightly, trying to make sure the blood wasn't becoming visible. I managed to slice my arm while attacking the very last Titan. Others were actually hurt and needed help, but I decided to keep quiet, knowing I could take care of it myself later on.

"Y/N," Jean whispered. I looked up into the hazel eyes that were staring at my arm. I quickly glanced down seeing the dark red blood soaking through.

"Fuck," I muttered under my breath, attempting to hide my arm better.

"Why didn't you tell anyone?" he asked me, gripping my wrist.

"Because I'm fine," I sighed, pulling myself out of his hold.

"Hange could have-"

"Maybe I didn't want Hange's help. They had other things to focus on," I interrupted him, shaking my head.

Jean looked down at me, an odd expression in his eyes. It felt like he was disappointed in me for not speaking up.. I sighed, leaning my head back and closing my eyes.

"Are you sure you're okay? You look pale."

"What's wrong?" Sasha turned her head towards us, overhearing our conversation.

"She's bleeding. Badly, it looks like," Jean explained.

I saw Eren look at me from the corner of my eyes, and then I saw Reiner pulling his shirt off and scooting towards me.

"Let me see it," Reiner demanded.

"I'm literally okay," I muttered.

"Obviously not. Can you stop being stubborn and let Hange fix you up?" Eren spat.

"Don't act like you care, Jaeger," I scowled at him.

"I don't. It's just a set back for the team if you're injured," he scoffed, crossing his arms.

I bit the inside of my cheek angrily. Tears swelled in my eyes, threatening to spill from how mad I was. How could he save my life and then act like a total dick afterwards?

Reiner grabbed my arm, gently pulling up my sleeve. The cut in my arm was deep and gushing blood. Reiner used his shirt and wrapped it tightly around my arm after pouring some water on it to slightly clean it.

"You should really tell Hange," Reiner looked up at me. It was hard for me to focus on his eyes when he was shirtless, and I'm sure he saw my gaze flicker to his visible skin.

"Okay," I exhaled, deciding to listen so they'd stop smothering me.

I heard Eren sigh loudly, and saw him turn away from us with a cold expression. All it did was sadden me deeply.

I miss my old Eren.

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