ch. twenty-one

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I took Eren back to my room, making sure to lock the door so no one could interrupt this time. We were currently snuggling together on my bed, with our legs wrapped around each other, my head on his chest while his hand ran up and down my back soothingly.

We were completely quiet, just basking in each other's comforting presence. It's weird being able to do this with him now. I don't know where we'll go from here, or what exactly will happen, but I can't help but savor any and every moment with him.

I moved my head slightly to look up at him, noticing he was already looking at me, a star-struck expression in his eyes.

"What?" I murmured, snuggling closer to him.

His other hand cupped my cheek, caressing it with his thumb. "You're so beautiful."

I bit my lip, blushing hard as his eyes held mine. Despite everything that's happened between us, I couldn't help but feel safe in his arms. I felt a kind of comfort that I haven't felt in a very long time.

I looked away from him, causing him to gently grab my chin and force my gaze on him once again, "Look at me."

I gave in, my eyes studying his face, much like he was doing to me. My heart was racing out of my chest, but a calm emotion washed over me the moment my door was locked shut, leaving us completely alone. I pushed some of the stray hairs away from his face, and his eyes fluttered from my touch.

"I can't believe this is happening right now," I admitted, a gush of air escaping my lungs.

He smiled down at me, kissing the top of my head gently before speaking. "I'm just glad it's finally happening. I wish I would have done something about it sooner."

I frowned, "I wish I tried hearing you out before now. I'm sorry that I didn't. I was just scared, you know? I wasn't ready because I didn't know what to expect."

Eren shook his head, pulling me closer to him. My head rested in the crook of his neck, his natural musk overtaking my senses. "Don't apologize. You never did anything wrong, Rose."

My eyes began to sting, so I squeezed them shut, refusing to cry again. The reassurance he's been giving me is everything I've needed to hear. I let out a shaky breath, gripping onto him as if he'd slip through my fingers any second.

"I'm not going anywhere," he whispered, almost as if he knew exactly what I was thinking.

I swallowed hard before kissing his neck softly, causing him to breathe in deeply and shudder. I held back a smile, happy with the way my touch makes him react. "Good, because you're stuck with me now."

He chuckled, his body shaking slightly from the reaction, "Nothing could make me happier."

I smiled into his neck, his body heat warming me to my core. "Tell me things about you that I don't know."

Eren hummed like he was in thought, and the hand that was rubbing my back began to move down to my waist. I began to be hyper aware of his touch, the hairs on my body standing up as if electricity shot through me.

"I learned how to give stitches," he grinned, amused, glancing down at me to see my reaction.

I slightly exhaled through my nose, smiling. "How long did that take?"

"A while," he rolled his eyes. "I kept getting impatient and angry. You can guess how that went."

"You need to learn how to control it," I jabbed my finger into his chest teasingly.

He sighed, caressing my waist. "I have gotten better. I still will," he promised. "Now what about you, ma'am?"

I bit my lip at the name, "I can chug beer quicker than Conny can." Eren gave me a look, and we both bursted out laughing. I then sat up to look at him, and he folded his arms behind his head, gazing up at me. The sight was hot, and I hid a smirk. Eren narrowed his eyes at me, seeming to notice the small expression.

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