I Need You Pt. 2| Bucciarati

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Bruno smiled as the boat they took from Sardinia to Naples approached the dock. He had survived Passione's boss Diavolo in Rome, and now Giorno Giovanna would be the Don of Passione. Everyone, even Trish, had survived King Crimson before everyone returned to Rome to look for Fugo. And now they were returning to Naples. Giorno approached Bruno smiling.

   " Bucciarati. "

Bruno turned around and faced his partner, still smiling at the thought of being back home. Giorno held his hand out for Bruno to shake, and Bruno did so.

   " Thank you for helping me. "

Bucciarati nodded, not saying a word. He turned back toward the dock, where he had left you to go to Capri. He imagined your form standing there when he left, and he grew eager to get to the docks and call you.

   " You missed her. " Giorno started looking at the approaching dock.

   " Very much. It's been two weeks, without hearing from her for safety reasons and I can't wait to see her. "

   " Why didn't you call her while we were traveling back? "

   " I tried, but, we were never in a good range. "

   " I see. Call her first thing, when we dock. "

   " I already plan on it, boss. "

Giorno's smile widened a little, hearing Bruno call him 'boss.' When the ship docked, Bruno jumped off the boat with the rest of his gang getting off. He took his phone and dialed your number, waiting for you to pick it up, but you didn't. So he called a second time, and you received the same answer. His smile went away, and he looked towards his phone, curious.

   " What's wrong? " Abbacchio asked, approaching his capo.

   " Y/n, won't answer my calls. "

   " She might be busy. "

   " Maybe, but I don't think that's the case. "

   " You think something happened to her? "

Bruno thought back to two weeks ago when you ran towards him on the dock. You barely smiled, and he grew uneasy when he remembered your words.

   " She said that she had felt like she was being watched. Something happened. "

Bruno decided to step away from his gang and went into Naples through the streets. He kept trying to call your phone, but you still wouldn't answer. When he reached your apartment building, he entered and climbed the stairs to your apartment. He walked down the hall and saw nothing unusual, but he still felt uneasy. 

He knocked on your door and waited for a few seconds. You didn't answer the door, and he knocked again, calling your name. You still didn't answer him. Bruno grabbed the handle but found that the apartment was locked. Sticky Fingers appeared and placed a zipper on the door, entering through the zipper first. Bruno followed after his stand into the apartment. He searched through the whole apartment but saw no signs of anything wrong.

He tried your workplace next. He walked into Libeccio's and asked for you, but no one had seen you.

   " She's not here? "

   " No, she hasn't shown up in two weeks, and she hasn't called in sick or anything. " The man at the desk said, looking through his log book.

   " Thank you. "

Bruno stepped out of Libeccio's, feeling his heart sink and your words yell at him.

   " I need you. I don't feel safe, and I feel like there are eyes watching me. It's been happening for weeks-- "

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