Missing You| Polnareff

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It had been weeks, almost two months. If you counted correctly, it had been over 50 days since you last saw Jean Pierre Polnareff. You were worried about your lover. Yet, you understood why he had to leave France. Polnareff had changed ever since his sister had been found dead. He had been obsessed with finding the man with two right hands who had done the killing, and his passion went as far as to leave France and travel to Egypt.

   ' I wonder when he's coming back. '

You walked around the streets of France, looking at the beautiful scenery before the rain started to pour. It was a lovely day outside, with the wind blowing through the streets and the smell of fresh bread being made; it made your heart flutter. Like Polnareff, you loved France with your heart.

As you walked, you felt a few raindrops hit your head. You opened your umbrella quickly before more of the sky's tears hit your body. You didn't pay those around you any mind until someone in the crowd shouted your name, drawing your attention and everyone else's on the street.

   " Y/n! "

Turning around, you spotted your lover standing in the rain, getting wet. His blocky hair had strands falling no the sides because of the rain, and his clothes were soaked. His blue eyes stayed on your form as he walked through the crowd to get to you. His small over-the-shoulder bag bounced against his back as he ran to get closer. When Polnareff finally got closer, you held your hands, showing him your palms.

   " Wait, wait--! "

   " I missed you so much ma chérie! "

Polnareff swept you up in a hug, pulling you off the ground and into his arms. His soaking wet clothes pressed against yours, making your clothes dampen. When he finally put you back on the ground, you looked down at your clothes, seeing huge wet spots. Polnareff's hands were still around your waist as he looked down at you like a puppy who hadn't seen its owner in days.

   " Pol, when did you get back in? " You asked, looking up at him.

   " I got back minutes ago. I was leaving the airport when I saw your figure. And being the caring, loving boyfriend, I recognized your figure and came to find you. "

   " You don't have an umbrella? "

   " I've been in hot climates since I left France. I haven't needed an umbrella. "

   " Then let's head home, and you can get a warm bath so you won't get sick. "

   " Ooohhh~ will you be joining me? " Polnareff asked with a sly smirk.

   " Nope. I'm not that wet, so I'll be fine, sitting by the fireplace, where it's warm. "

You grabbed Polnareff's hand and started guiding him out of the small city of Nérac and toward the home you shared in the countryside. It was his childhood home, but he owned the property now with you. After getting inside, you locked the door and took your shoes off at the door before guiding Polnareff to the washroom.

   " Come on; you need to get clean. "

   " But, I would rather sit by the fire with a warm blanket. Hey, you know what could warm  guy up--"

   " No, Pol. You're getting a bath, even if it means washing that gel-filled hair. "

Polnareff instinctively placed a hand on his hair, like he was being attacked. Instead, you only rolled your eyes and pulled him into the bathroom, shutting the door. 

   " Now, strip and get in the tub. "

You started running the warm water and placed bubbly soap in the water. Even though he was a grown man and could do it himself, you could see behind his happy attitude and how tired he was. While your back was turned, grabbing a stool, Polnareff got in the water and let his body stretch out in the bathtub as his body relaxed. You placed the small brown chair behind the bathtub, intending to sit down and wash his hair, which was falling into pieces from the rain. 

   " Is the temperature okay? " You asked, walking around the bathtub to get the hair products he used to wash his hair.

   " It's perfect, but what's this in the water? "

You turned and walked to the edge of the bath, but before you could figure out his plan, Polnareff grabbed your upper arm and pulled you into the warm water. Excess water spilled to the floor while you lay in the bath against Polnareff with your clothes soaked through. 

   " Pol! "

   " Now, we're both wet, ma chérie. Please, lighten your shoulders. I'm fine and alive, so there's no need to worry about me. Just relax, and cuddle me. " Polnareff said, wrapping his arms around your shoulders.

With a sigh, you relaxed your shoulders and leaned against Polnareff, resting your head on his bare chest. One of his hands started to pet your head, running his fingers through your hair to calm you.

   " I missed you so much, Pol. " You sighed.

   " I missed you too, ma chérie. "

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2023 ⏰

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