Nice to See You| Dio

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The streets were filthy as you walked through them. The slums were an awful place to live, but it was all you had. Your parents were gone. After having a son, your brother, you were left on your own to fend for yourself. And even though you had no education and no family, you had one person you could rely on. But he was gone too.


   " Y/n, have you eaten yet? "

You looked toward your friend as you sat next to him at a pub. A chess game was set up in front of him as he played a game of chess with a stranger. 

   " No, but I'm not hungry. I can wait until later. But thank you, Dio. "

The man was losing badly to Dio. He lost his first game and challenged Dio to a second game. The coins Dio did win for the first game he spent on his lunch, but the stranger demanded a second game.

   " Checkmate. "

Dio won the game effortlessly. The man stood up from his seat calmly and tossed the coins he had lost toward Dio. As your friend went to take the coins, the stranger pushed Dio's head into his plate of food. You stood up from your chair and glared at the man.

   " Not so smart now are ya brat? "

You grabbed the stranger's hand and tried to pull his hand off Dio's head, and the man's smirk fell, and he glared at you.

   " Just take the loss! How does it make him less smart by pushing his head into his plate of food? No matter what, he still beat you, so get lost. "

The man shoved Dio's head one more time before walking away; his scowl still present on his face. Dio raised his head, his calm expression gone and a sneer present. You sat back in your seat and handed Dio a napkin to wipe his face of the potatoes and gravy.

   " Always the voice of reason, aren't you? " Dio asked, his orange eyes turning to look at you.

   " Just trying to help. You won fair and square. "

   " Thank you, but I don't need your help. "

Dio took the coins he had won, walked up to the bar, and ordered a new plate of food. After waiting for a while, he returned to your table and handed you the plate of food. 

   " Eat. "

Without hesitance, you started eating, thanking him after you had finished. You enjoyed your food and filled your stomach until the plate was clean. Even then, you didn't question why he had the bottle of booze in his hand. After getting no new challengers, Dio left the pub with you beside him. The breeze blew by, pulling on his blonde hair and your hair, but your strands settled back down once the breeze was gone. 

   " Y/n, can you survive on your own? " Dio asked, glancing down at you.

   " Yeah, I can. Why? "

   " I won't be around for a while. I won't be able to provide meals for you or to offer you a floor to sleep on. WIll you be fine until I've returned? "

   " Yeah, I'll find a way to survive. How long will you be gone? "

   " I don't know. But when I've executed my plan and succeeded, I will come back for you. "

You then took notice of the bottle in Dio's hands and figured he would finally kill his father. Dio never talked about his father, but from the nights he would let you sleep on the floor of his home, you knew Dio's relationship with his father wasn't good. You took notice of the times he would be deep in thought after buying booze for his father, and you knew that one day, Dio would kill his father. If it was today, you didn't know, but from how Dio spoke, you could only assume it was the day. 

   " Okay, I'll do my best to stay alive. "

Upon reaching Dio's house, you hugged your friend, even though he protested and didn't hug you back. After Dio entered his house, you walked away to find a sheltered place to stay.

(Flashback Over)

Dio's father died the next day, and you never saw Dio again. And as you grew, you would never forget the one person who had shown you kindness. You had given up thinking he would come back, and now as a young woman, it was harder to survive. You had a job, working for a family, taking care of their crops, but once winter came, you were put out of a job once the snow started to fall. 

   ' This sucks. '

You walked to the same ally you had lived in ever since you were young and leaned against the wall, sitting on the cold cobblestone street. You held your bag of coins close to you, so no one would steal from you while you slept. The snow fell lightly, and you shivered, but you knew you had to save money for a home. You had almost enough, but you were shy of what you needed. And you didn't plan on spending a single penny unless you were starving.

   " It was around this time of year, wasn't it? That you promised you would be back for me. Looks like your lying skills were just too good. "

You rested your head on your legs, and your body shook in the cold air. You closed your eyes so you could sleep, and you eventually did, but it took a while. But you woke up, feeling alert, an hour later when something warm was placed on your shoulders. Living on the streets taught you to be a light sleeper because a thief's job never ended. You raised your head to see who had placed the fuzzy coat around your shoulders.

   " I thought I told you, to survive, until I came back for you. "

Dio stood above you, his orange eyes looking down at you. Dio had grown into a man, and he became fit. His clothes, which you knew to be tattered, were now regal and looked freshly cleaned.

   " It's been years. How was I supposed to hold on when nothing was left for me? "

   " I promised you. "

   " Well, your promise took too long. "

   " Then, I'll take my coat and be on my way since you seem to be doing great. "

Dio took his coat from your shoulders and threw it over his, but you didn't do anything but smirk at the man.

   " Like you did all that time ago? Go ahead, I've lived this long without your help, so I don't need it. "

   " You stubborn little--"

   " Little what? Tell me! Because while you've been living the high life, I've been here trying to survive with nothing. So, go away. "

You rested your head back in your lap but quickly raised your head when you were picked up and thrown over Dio's shoulder.

   " Just shut your trap, and come with me. "

You sighed and let yourself hang, but you propped your arms up on Dio's muscled back.

   " Nice to see you again. "

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