You'll Make It| Jotaro

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The trip to Egypt was rough, with villains at every turn. Joseph Joestar asked you to go on the trip since your stand could heal injuries quickly. The team was always at its highest health with your stand, but it made you a big target for Dio. But, you felt slightly off edge in a submarine under the Red Sea. The team traveled by plane or car, and neither option worked against the stand users, so you hoped this new transportation would provide easy access to the Egyptian land. 

   " Are you doing okay? "

Turning your head from the submarine window, you looked at Jotaro, who was looking down at you. His hands remained in his pockets while his ocean-colored eyes looked at you, unreadable.

   " I'm doing the best I can. Does it not look like I'm doing well? "

   " You looked depressed. " He said, standing beside you, leaning down to look out the window.

   " Well, considering I've been targetted on every encounter we've had, isn't that reasonable? "

Jotaro shook his head with a frown on his face. He didn't turn to look at you but kept staring out of the window at the fish and coral around. Jotaro tilted his hat down before clasping your shoulder.

   " Good grief quit worrying about it. You've got all of us behind your back. You'll get out of this. Kakyoin made coffee, come on. "

Jotaro stood straight and left you to walk towards the table where Kakyoin had set the cups down. You joined everyone at the table, but after counting the cups, you saw an odd number for an even number of people in the group. Jotaro noticed the cups as well, pointing them out.

   " Hey, Kakyoin. Why did you grab seven cups for six people? "

  " That's peculiar. I guess I didn't notice. I could have sworn it was six. " Kakyoin replied.

Joseph was the first person to pick up one of the cups, and instantly the mug shifted into something that looked like Yellow Temperance. The creature had formed a sword and cut off his mechanical hand, not causing Joseph pain but scaring him. You backed up instantly, watching the creature.

   " What the!? "

The stand was on his hand, floating in the air. The stand shot Joseph's metal fingers at him, and they went into his throat.

   " Old man! "

   " Mr. Joestar! "

The stand landed on the table and let go of Joseph's hand, letting the mechanical pieces fall against the metal table.

   " It's a stand! I don't know how but it got into the submarine at some point! " Avdol shouted.

The stand went to the ceiling, clamping itself there, and Jotaro summoned Star Platinum, keeping his eyes on the stand. But Star  Platinum missed the first punch because the stand jumped and went to the dashboard. While everything was in chaos, you grabbed Joseph's hand and started reattaching the metal pieces together. Once the hand was put back together, you clamped his hand back on Joseph's wrist. Joseph still lay unconscious on the ground as you reattached his hand.

   " It disappeared! "

   " No, it didn't! "

   " It transformed! I'm sure of it! The stand disguised itself as one of the gauges! Just as it turned into a coffee cup! "

It was chaos, with a stand on board and the phone ringing. Water poured into the submarine while the air thinned. To go even further, the submarine started to tilt downward. With no one in control of the wheel, the ship would crash into the ground floor of the Red Sea. You would have slid downward if Jotaro wasn't holding your arm, preventing you from sliding.

   " The air is starting to get thin you guys. " Polnareff warned as he picked up Joseph.

   " Kakyoin, did you catch which gauge the stand merged with? " Jotaro asked.

Kakyoin walked over to Jotaro and pointed at the gauge, but when he stepped back, you could hear something from behind you; turning around, you could see that Kakyoin was wrong. The stand had already moved. You tried to warn Kakyoin, but in no time, the stand moved toward Kakyoin. Polnareffe defended Kakyoin with Silver Chariot's sword, leaving only Jotaro to fight the stand while everyone looked for a way out.

   " Everyone, head for the door, quickly! The stand's become part of the hull's surface and it's traveling through the machines! If we stay in this room any further then there's a good chance we'll be leaving without our lives. "

Polnareff opened the door, and oxygen started flooding the room, but everyone knew it wouldn't be long until the fresh air ran out. However, when everyone was running out of the room, Jotaro didn't leave, making you turn around and grab his arm.

   " JoJo! we have to go. "

Jotaro looked down at you for a moment before looking around the room, saying his last words to the stand.

   " Don't get too cocky because this battle isn't over. I'll kick your ass soon enough. "

Finally, he turned away from the room, where the stand disappeared, and grabbed your hand, running towards the door. Together you ran through; Jotaro slammed the door shut with Star Platinum as you kept running. He let go of your hand when you finally met the others. Avdol shut the door to the room once you finally entered the small room. Along the walls scuba gear lined the walls and floors.

   " Are we really scuba diving all the way there? " Polnareff asked as he put the gear on.

   " Oh, good grief. "

The boat was shaking, and you strapped on the gear as quickly as possible. Once everyone was suited up, Joseph started letting the water in slowly. He taught everyone about the regulator while you rocked on your heels and felt anxiety creep up your body.

   " This should go without saying, but we can't talk underwater. Instead, we'll use hand signals. "

   " Mr. Joestar couldn't we just use our stands to communicate underwater? " Polnareffe asked.

   " Oh, yeah. I didn't think about that. "

An elbow poked into your side, and you turned to face Jotaro. He looked down at you, for a few seconds, before grabbing your shoulder.

   " Everything will be fine. "

   " I want to get out of here. " Your voice wavered.

   " And you will. So, stop worrying. "

   " We could be attacked at any time! Stop fooling around and let's go! "

The water in the room was almost to everyone's necks. You put on the goggles and a regulator as your head was submerged in water. Joseph opened the hatch, and everyone sent him a signal saying it was clear to go, but Polnareff wasn't. His breathing regulator turned into The High Priestess, and it was biting his lip.

It tried to enter his mouth, and Star Platinum reached for it, but the stand had torn off the goggles and regulator and entered his throat. Joseph and Kakyoin used Hermit Purple and Hierophant Green to send their tendrils and vines through his nose. They pulled the High Priestess out of Polnareff, and Star Platinum fully formed behind Jotaro. But it started transforming. It transformed into a speargun.

   " Silver Chariot! "

The speargun shot, and Silver Chariot used his saber to battle the spear, but it started reloading. Quickly, you healed Polnareffe's mouth, swimming through the exit. Jotaro stayed close to you as everyone swam out. But pain flared through your body, and the air that was once in your lungs bubbled out as your breathing regulator left your lips. Then, looking down, you saw the spear gun shoot your leg, going clean through. 

   " Y/n! " Star Platinum yelled in Jotaro's voice.

The speargun recoiled, pulling you back into the sunken submarine. As you were pulled in, Jotaro swam back toward the hatch while Joseph tried to swim into the sub. But after you were drawn into the submarine, the metal arrow was pulled out of your leg and turned back into High Priestess. Above you, Jotaro was almost to the door, and you caught one last look at him before the entry above; you shut quickly, trapping you inside the dark submarine. 

JJBA One~ShotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora