Cheers on Ogre Street| Speedwagon

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   ' Where is he? '

You wandered around the streets of London, looking for someone, but you couldn't find them on the regular roads. So, you turned to Ogre Street. You had been warned not to go there many times but needed to find Speedwagon, the leader of thieves, on Ogre Street.

   ' At least I'm walking around the street during the daytime. Speedwagon would kill me if he found me wandering around here at night. '

You didn't wear anything flashy so the thieves would miss you. You weren't born into money, and you were as hard-working as your parents, but after meeting Speedwagon, you found small gifts of gold and silver outside your door occasionally. One day he even handed you an expensive dress that he had bought. Your parents were aware of your love for Speedwagon but unaware of his title around the streets. 

Turning a corner, you saw some newer thieves sleeping against the walls. They held their money close to their chests or carried a knife, waiting to strike someone who got even a foot close to them. You walked by them, not glancing at their forms. If you did, one would react and jump you, possibly.

Finally, after wandering for half an hour on Ogre Street, you spotted Tattoo and Kempo Master. The two thieves looked at you, recognizing you but keeping their faces calm. Both men were leaning against a cobble two-story home. They weren't guarding the door but stood close together, with Kempo Master leaning on his back and Tattoo leaning on his shoulder.

   " Tattoo, Kemp, where's Speedwagon? " You asked, standing in front of them.

   " He's inside. Go inside before one of the newbies decides to take from you. " Kempo Master said.

You nodded and walked inside the building. Sunlight poured into the home through the windows, so no candles were needed to light the space. You wondered if he was in any of the rooms downstairs or upstairs somewhere, but your theories were stopped when two strong arms wrapped around your body. 

   " Love, what are you doing here? I told you I don't like you coming to Ogre Street. "

You smiled and turned around in Speedwagon's arms, hugging his waist as he held yours. His saw hat was sitting on his head, but the black fabric of the hat hid the saw blades. 

   " I know, but I had to come and see you. "

Speedwagon smiled and hugged you closer, placing his chin on your shoulder. His body was warm, and you melted into the warmth, feeling the cold winter air kiss your back. 

   " It's always a delight to see you, love. Have you eaten breakfast? "

   " I have. I ate with my parents this morning before both left for work. "

   " And you don't have work today? "

   " Not this morning. I will work the late hours tonight, so I could to see you this morning. "

Speedwagon gently lifted his head off of your shoulder and kissed your cheek. His lips were warm against your cold skin, warming your cheeks from the small show of affection. Finally, Speedwagon pulled his head away from yours, still smiling. But you quickly remembered the reason for the sudden visit.

   " I do have news, I need to share with you. And it's not the best news. "

Speedwagon's small smile quickly became neutral, almost like he had entered the business mode. He let go of your waist and gestured to the small dining table in the home. Speedwagon pulled out your chair for you and pushed your chair toward the table before sitting beside you. 

   " What is it, love? "

Speedwagon's hands rested on the table, clasped together. He was calm. In contrast, your hands were fidgeting with the fabric of your dress on your legs. You were not nervous to tell him the news, but you were sad.

   " My father has been doing well at his job. So well, that he is being given another job, that has a high pay. "

   " That's wonderful, love. "

   " It is, but the new job is over seas. "

   " In the Americas? "

   " Yes. The voyage will be next week. My mother has already informed her work, while I have yet to inform mine, because I wanted to tell you first. "

Speedwagon remained quiet, thinking your words over. But, of course, he didn't want you to leave; no one would want to let go of their lover, especially after a year and a half, of being in love. He didn't want to let you go but also respected your parents. Speedwagon knew how hard the world was, and to get a promotion, was always a good thing, and you wouldn't be living on the scraps of your coins every month. But his selfishness told him to keep you close and not let you go.

   " I see. . . So, you're here to end, what we have, so you can go over seas? " He said sorrowfully.

   " No! No. I'm not here to end our relationship. So get that thought out of your head because that is not happening. " You said, pointing at him. 

   " You should go with them. You'll live more comfortably, and you can start a new life. Isn't that what America is all about? "

   " But at what cost? I don't want to leave you. "

   " I don't want you to leave either, love. But I also don't want to hold you back from living lavishly. If you stayed here, you would live in the slums with me. Compared to what you'll have in America, this isn't where you want to be. "

   " Speedwagon. . .You're not holding me back. I came here so I can ask you if you'll house me. "

Speedwagon's hands relaxed, and he looked toward his lover with eyes of hope. Of course, he didn't want to tie you to himself at Ogre Street, but if you willingly tied yourself to him, how could he object to your desires? 

   " It won't be easy, living here. . .with me. "

   " I know. But I want to stay with you. I will never find another man with long blonde hair, a beautiful scar across his face, and a hat made of saw blades ever again. You are my one and only love. "

Speedwagon chuckled at your words and took off his hat carefully. The hat sat on the table while Speedwagon's pants became dirty after kneeling in front of your chair. He took your hands within his palms, and you leaned down to connect your foreheads, again embracing his warmth.

   " Then, marry me. It won't be lavish, but I'll try to make it as glorious as I can, with what I have. "

   " All I need is your last name connected with mine, and I can forget about the extravagance of the wedding. "

Speedwagon's smile was soft; you had never seen such a peaceful look on a man's face before. Speedwagon would always smile and be cheerful around you, but you had never seen such an expression as you had at that moment. Slowly, Speedwagon connected his lips with yours in a sweet kiss. You closed your eyes and leaned into him. His usual rough lips were soft against yours. The kiss wasn't full of lust or longing but of your blooming love for each other. The kiss was chaste, and when your lips pulled apart, your faces remained close.

   " Oh, how I love you. "

   " And I, you Speedwagon. Or should I call you Robert? "

Speedwagon chuckled and kissed your lips again before picking you up from your chair like a groom would hold his bride leaving the chapel. 

   " Call me what you may. But I will call you Y/n Speedwagon in due time! " He said in a chipper mood. 

Speedwagon walked to the door of his home and kicked the door open, startling Tattoo and Kempo Master. Other thieves and friends looked at Speedwagon, curious about what happened between him and his lover to make the man so happy. But fortunately, the thieves were going to receive the best news that could occur on Ogre Street about their boss and his marriage.

   " Listen, all you bloody hooligans! I'm getting married! "

Everyone on the street cheered and clapped their hands for the couple. Speedwagon held you closer while he looked at all of the people around him, wondering how he had reached the pointing his life where he would marry the one he loved. When he was born miserable, but now, he could be happy.

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