Dog Days| Jonathan

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The day was calm, but the sun was hidden behind the clouds. It wasn't grey like rain, which would pour down onto the earth, but it was just clouded, in the sky, coming and going blocking the sky. You wandered through the town streets, looked into the many shops, and bought a few food items. Your basket was filled with food items, ready for your mother to prepare a meal at home. Unfortunately, your walk was interrupted by something bumping into your legs, tangling them and making you fall. The basket landed upright on the ground, keeping its contents safe, but you would receive red marks on your skin from the fall.

   " What the-- "

   " Danny, stop! " A new voice shouted. 

You looked up and saw a tall dalmatian dog rummaging through your basket, eating the food you had purchased. Quickly, you sat up and swatted the dog away from your basket. The dog stepped back enough for you to grab the basket, and you kept the woven basket close to you. 

   " I'm so sorry, miss! Danny smelled food and ran after the smell. "

Not glancing at the person talking, you stood up, dusted yourself off, and checked what the dog ate from your basket. The beets were missing, the carrots were eaten in half, and the green beans were opened. The rest of the foods were fine, but the vegetables took the worst hit from the dog. 

   " How much is gone? "

Finally, you looked up and met with one of the wealthiest faces around; Jonathan Joestar. His blue hair was pushed back as if the wind blew it, but his blue eyes looked to you, worried. 

   " Most of my vegetables are gone; some he only ate half of. "

   " I sincerely apologize. " Jonathan said, bowing his head slightly and putting his arm across his abdomen.

   " It's okay, as long as I get compensation. I only had enough money to get the amount of food my mother asked for, and I have no more to go back and get fresh vegetables. "

   " Of course! I was going to suggest that myself. I wouldn't let anyone leave without being given back what was unintentionally taken. Let us head to the market, and we can get the vegetables Danny ate. "

   " Thank you. "

Side by side, you walked with Jonathan through town and to the market. Danny followed beside Jonathan, trying to put his nose back in the basket, but Jonathan would pull on his leash.

   " I'm sorry about Danny. He's just excited and hungry, I guess. "

   " It's alright. Dogs will be dogs. "

   " I never got your name. "

   " It's Y/n. "

   " Oh, yes! I've heard fantastic things about your family. They make the best food around! "

   " Yes, my father loves to cook, and my mom likes to help with the side dishes. "

   " Are you going to follow your parents? "

   " Maybe, but I have time to decide. What about you? I've heard that your family has just taken in a new son. "

   " Oh. . .yes. Dio, is something. You know my name? "

   " Who doesn't? Your family is famous around, especially with the new arrival of Dio into the Joestar household. "

Jonathan nodded and continued to talk with you while walking through the market. Jonathan started picking through the vegetables and grabbing what Danny had eaten. Jonathan did as he promised, paying for the vegetables. He handed the food to you, and you placed the food in the basket. You showed Jonathan a smile, bowing your head slightly out of instinct.

   " Thank you for paying for the food. Now, mom can make dinner tonight. "

   " Wonderful! I'm glad I could return to you what was taken. But, again, I'm sorry about Danny. He's just a dog. "

   " Don't mention it; you've paid it back. I appreciate it, Jonathan. "

You started to walk away, but it didn't take long for someone to chase after you. Danny bounced his way to you, dragging Jonathan along by the leash. The dog ran past your legs and then around your legs, tangling his leash around your dress and legs. The leash wrapped around your legs tightly, making you trip.

   " Y/n! "

Before you could fall, Jonathan caught you with an arm around your waist, pulling you against him. Danny continued to run and wrapped the leash around Jonathan before jumping on his owner's back. Jonathan fell on top of you, with your basket, falling on the ground. Jonathan twisted around and fell on his back, keeping you on top of him so that you wouldn't hit the ground. His arms were still around you, keeping you close to him. 

   " Are you alright? Are you hurt? " Jonathan asked.

   " No, I'm fine, thank you. But how are we going to untangle from the leash? "

You looked down at the leash and slowly slipped your feet out from the leash. Once you were free, you stood up and helped Jonathan stand and untangle himself from the leash. 

   " Thank you. "

You nodded and looked toward the basket you were carrying. All the food he had bought, as well as what Danny had not eaten, was ruined on the ground. With a sigh, you leaned down and picked up the basket.

   " It seems, like nothing can ever stay in your basket. "

   " It seems so. "

   " I have an idea. Since Danny has ruined your dinner tonight, why don't you and your parents join my family for dinner? "

   " Umm, are you sure? I don't want to intrude. "

   " I insist. "

   " Alright, I'll let my parents know. "

   " Wonderful! I will see you tonight! "

Jonathan ran off with Danny, waving as he got further away. You picked up your basket and started walking home, thinking about the blue-haired boy. 

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