Happiness on Ogre Street| Speedwagon

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You rushed to the small hospital where Speedwagon lay. Your lover had been injured beside his friend Jonathan Joestar, and as soon as you heard about it, you ran to his residence, where you met Erina Pendleton. 

   " You're looking for Mr. Speedwagon? " Erina asked you.

   " Yes, I am. I'm his fiance, and I heard about what happened. "

    " Follow me then, miss. "

You nodded and followed Erina, pulling up your dress to move faster. Erina led you to a door and knocked on the wooden frame, waiting for an answer.

   " Yes? Who is it? "

   " Mr. Speedwagon, you have a guest? "

   " Who would be coming to visit me this late in the day? I don't remember having any colleagues that would visit me like this? " Speedwagon asked himself before yelling for the guest to come inside.

   " So, you forget about your worried fiance? " You asked, stepping into the room.

Speedwagon's eyes widened, seeing your figure entering the room. You looked at Speedwagon in the bed and noticed a cane resting beside the bed while his arm was cast. 

   " Love, I wasn't expecting you to come. Not many people knew I was in the Joestar home. "

Speedwagon sat up on the bed and looked toward you with still-widened eyes. You huffed a bit before sitting beside him on the bed and holding his uninjured hand. The grip was tight, and Speedwagon could tell how worried you were.

   " You told me where you were going before you left. Then the next thing I hear is that the Joestar manor went up in flames. I wasn't sure where you would be until I asked around and found that you were here under the care of the nurses. "

   " I'm glad you came to find me then. " 

Speedwagon's hand left yours and held the back of your head as he pushed your head into his shoulder, hugging you. The worry you previously had, disappeared in seconds after you felt how warm his body was against your own.

   " I would rather have you than, any of the other nurses take care of me. "

   " I'm just glad you're okay. I was worried you were dead. "

   " Good ol' Speedwagon will live for a long time, love. Someones has gotta take care of you and I won't let any other man do the job. "

   " How kind. But please inform me next time if where you're going, it's going to be dangerous. I would rather know, than to find out randomly from strangers. "

   " Then, I need to inform you of the wickedness that has been brought into this world recently. "

Speedwagon, let go of your head and turn you to face him fully. His hand remained on your shoulder while his face turned serious. You were concerned about what he was about to tell you, but you held your breath, waiting for the news.

   " A man named Dio has given away his humanity and turned into a creature of the night, feeding on blood. Poor Jonathan has to endure the pain of killing his brother, so the rest of humanity may remain safe. I am going to travel with him to defeat Dio. We learned he was alive yesterday when we met a flamboyant man named Baron Zeppeli. I am traveling with them and will not be back for some time. We will be leaving in the morning. "

   " But your arm isn't healed yet. "

   " It is, but I wanted to keep it in a cast for a little longer. "

   " Speedwagon, what about our wedding? We planned to have it this week--"

   " I know; I'm sorry, love. But I can't let Jonathan and Zeppeli go on their own. There are human lives at stake. I don't want to live in a world where I know there is a possible evil, such as Dio. I must go with them. "

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