Chapter 5

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"Done! Yes she would pay for it. She would pay for every single dime used in making this dress. She would pay for every thing, and if she doesn't, we'll sue!"

As she heard these words coming out from his lips, Madison felt like commanding the ground to open up and swallow her.

2000 freaking dollars! Where the fuck would she get that money from?

That was almost half of her tip for this job, and the meager 800 dollars that she was going to get after everything she would do here, had already been budgeted.

Asides from the tip also that these horny looking cheating men, had given her after she served them drinks, Madison knew that should she pay for the dress, then she would be utterly broke and stranded in New York, and she did not want to go through that nightmare.

She had even decided on taking the train back home, as she wanted to save up the money she would use to book a flight back home, and now this had to happen!

She started to sob uncontrollably, and a bit loud too not caring if she was attracting any attention.

She sobbed not just because of the money she had to pay for the dress, but she was more deeply hurt at the way Damien had talked to her.

Definitely, he remembered her.

The look of recognition and longing had flashed in his eyes one time, that she could attest to before it was finally replaced with something way way opposite.

Sure he would recognize her as she hadn't changed much, since childhood that was for sure.

She still had the same shade of strawberry blonde curls atop her head, that he had loved so much, and her face still looked the same, safe for the freckles that were no longer there, and the glasses she no longer wore, as she didn't have enough money to take care of her dully eyes.

She was a bit skinnier, no more chubby like those times, when she had been all ass, thighs, and bosoms, and she could attribute the insane weight loss to days of starving without having good food to eat, and stressing herself out with little or no rest for her poor body.

He still hated her, just as he had told her the last time they had held a proper conversation back then, when they were still young, carefree and foolish.

She could remember that night, that fateful day... where he had crushed her heart into pieces and shattered her dreams.

It had been a cold rainy night, and she had ran to his house wanting to apologize but he had refused to listen, all the while chanting this same words over and over, while she had confusedly stared at him, with no idea of what he was saying.

No, she did have an idea and she wanted telling him the truth... how she had been foolish and how she would follow him wherever he was going to but he didn't listen.

Instead he had kept on saying to her,

- "You betrayed me Madison, and I would never forgive you and your family for this.' –

She never forgot those words, even till this day, and at the reminder that he had the same uncanny and unchanging hatred from years past, Madison had no idea how to react to it at all.

Damien still despised her.

The look he had given her, as he said those words were one of pure disgust, spite, loathing and so much detest that she had been ashamed to still defiantly hold his stare.

She was sniffling now, as she tried to forget about the past, instead she focused on the work in front of her and the huge amount of money she had to pay his girlfriend.

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